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例句 She seems to have become the unofficial spokesman for the group.她好像已经成了这个组织的非正式发言人。A military spokesman would not reveal the exact location of the search area.一位军方发言人不愿公开搜索地区的确切位置。A spokesman denied the group is a cult and said members could leave whenever they wanted.一位发言人否认了该组织属于异端教派,并说其成员随时都可以按自己的意愿离开。A spokesman for the airline said that much of the cost increase was caused by tightening of security.航空公司的一名发言人说成本上升大部分是由加强安全措施所引起的。A spokesman says the president has backed off from his threat to boycott the conference.一位发言人表示总统已经收回了他将抵制这次会议的威胁。While he lived, Nehru remained the most eminent spokesman for the Third World.尼赫鲁生前是第三世界的最著名的发言人。A spokesman said that the company had improved its safety standards.一名发言人说公司已经提高了安全标准。A Pentagon spokesman refused to comment.美国五角大楼发言人拒绝发表评论。The spokesman's explanations only muddied the mess further.发言人的解释反而使混乱的局势更显得扑朔迷离。The spokesman stressed that the measures did not amount to an overall ban.发言人强调说这些措施并不等同于全面禁止。The spokesman said the tone of the letter was very friendly.发言人说信函的语气非常友好。A government spokesman announced that the hostages had been released.政府发言人宣布人质已经被释放。A spokesman declined to comment until the evidence could be studied further.一位发言人拒绝在证据得到进一步验证之前发表评论。A spokesman listed the casualties in a detached, matter-of-fact tone of voice.一位发言人以事不关己的、就事论事的声调读出死者名单。A White House spokesman answered questions from the reporters.白宫发言人回答了记者的提问。The story was leaked by an unnamed ministry spokesman.内情是未透露姓名的某部发言人泄露出来的。A spokesman for the Palace has denied the accusation.皇室发言人否认了该指控。The strikers constituted him their spokesman.罢工工人选他为他们的发言人。The success of his books has made him a spokesman for his generation.他作品的成功使他成为同代人的代言人。A spokesman said that the Senator needed to take a rest from the campaign activity.一位发言人说参议员需要在竞选活动期间休息一下。The spokesman addressed an international press corps.这位发言人对国际记者团发表了谈话。A government spokesman was quoted as saying that they would take steps to restore order.据政府发言人说,他们将采取措施恢复秩序。A bank spokesman was unable to clarify the situation.一位银行发言人未能把情况解释清楚。A UN spokesman insisted that the implementation of the peace plan is back on track.联合国一位发言人坚称和平计划的实施已回到正轨。He was the spokesman for the workers on strike.他是罢工工人的发言人。I am no-one's spokesman, much less his.我不为任何人代言,更别说是为他了。A spokesman for the company affirmed that a merger was likely.该公司的一位发言人证实合并是可能的。A spokesman said a meeting had been arranged with Seagram for the weekend after next.一位发言人说与西格拉姆的会议已经安排在下下个周末。A spokesman declined to elaborate on a statement released late yesterday.发言人拒绝对昨天晚些时候发表的声明详加说明。The spokesman declined to comment.发言人拒绝发表评论。A spokesman denied that the police investigation had been mishandled.一位发言人否认警方的调查是草率的。The spokesman was not available for comment last night.昨晚发言人无暇作出评论。A government spokesman said the Prime Minister was not amused by the incident.政府发言人说首相对这起事件很恼火。He has become the president's unofficial spokesman.他已成为总统的非官方发言人。A London Underground spokesman defended the decision to hold the train until police arrived.伦敦地铁公司的发言人为推迟发车直到警方赶来的决定作了辩解。Pentagon spokesman Williams says those talks are coming along quite well.五角大楼发言人威廉斯说那些会谈进展得相当顺利。The White House spokesman was noncommittal on this question.白宫发言人对这个问题不置可否。The spokesman favoured unity with the Arab nation.发言人支持与该阿拉伯国家统一行动。A spokesman for the company denied reports that the new drug could cause heart attacks.公司的一位发言人否定了这种新药会引起心脏病的报道。A government spokesman said the bill must be signed, sealed and delivered by tomorrow.一名政府发言人称议案明天必须定下来。




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