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词汇 spoke
例句 She spoke in a simpering tone.她说话带着一种虚情假意的腔调。She spoke in a quiet voice so as not to wake him.她轻声说话,以免吵醒他。He spoke in a confidential tone.他用信任的口吻说话。He spoke saucily.他说话很莽撞。They all spoke of her reverently.他们提起她时都很恭敬。She spoke in an offhand manner.她说话很随意。She spoke with a drawl.她拉长声调说话。She spoke openly about her failed marriage.她坦率地谈及了自己失败的婚姻。Sometimes she spoke sensibly; sometimes she rambled.有时她说得也还通情达理,有时就是闲扯。He spoke with an air of superiority.他说话时摆出一副高人一等的样子。He laughed quite a lot as he spoke.他说话的时候经常笑。Agent Lehman spoke with the police about the case.探员勒曼与警方谈了这起案件。It was clear from the way Dorothy spoke that she was worried about something.从多萝茜说话的样子看,她在担心着什么事。They say God spoke to them and told them to go on a mission to the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.他们说上帝让他们去西半球最贫困的国家传播教义。He spoke a brief prayer over their meal.他在他们用餐时做了简短的祈祷。He spoke with an Irish brogue.他说一口带爱尔兰口音的英语。My father was a man of few words, but when he spoke everyone listened.我父亲是个寡言的人,但每次他一说话,大家都会留心听着。She spoke very slowly, weighing what she would say.她讲话时斟酌再三,说得非常慢。He spoke with a strong French accent, which by no means affected his intelligibility to an English ear.虽然他有很重的法国口音,但一点也不影响讲英语的人听懂他的话。On the rare occasions when he spoke, his voice sounded very nervous.他难得开口,而只要一开口嗓音总是战战兢兢的。She spoke eloquently about the need for action.她雄辩地阐述了采取行动的必要性。She spoke for an hour without interruption.她连续讲了一个小时。She spoke to the audience with clarity and deliberation.她对听众演讲,表达清晰,从容不迫。They spoke of the old traditions of their ancestors in a scornful voice.他们以轻蔑的口吻谈论祖先的老传统。We spoke a whaler on the fourth day at sea.我们在海上的第四天与一艘捕鲸船联络上了。The professor spoke with a lofty air.那个教授说话时一副高傲的神情。She spoke without a trace/hint of self-pity.她谈话时没有透露一丝的自叹自怜。She spoke to me by phone last night.她昨晚与我通了电话。She spoke of me as her dearest friend.她说我是她最亲爱的朋友。He spoke in a tone of weary cynicism.他用一种愤世嫉俗的口气说话。He looked dazed as he spoke to reporters, managing only a weak smile.跟记者谈话的时候,他只是勉强挤出一丝淡淡的微笑,显得非常恍惚。He spoke passably good English.他英语讲得还不错。I do not remember who spoke first, but we all expressed the same opinion.我不记得是谁最先发言的,但我们全都表达了相同的看法。He spoke with great severity.他说话口气非常严厉。The dog's ears flattened slightly as Cook spoke his name.库克叫这只狗的名字时,它的耳朵就会稍稍耷拉一下。She spoke of the professional woman's lament that a woman's judgment is questioned more than a man's.她谈到职业女性的悲哀:与男性相比,她们的判断力更易遭人质疑。She spoke very frankly about her experiences.她非常坦率地讲述了自己的经历。She spoke in a reverent voice.她用恭敬的口气讲话。He spoke apologetically about the plan's shortcomings.他歉疚地谈起了计划的缺点。The stranger spoke rapidly, waving his arms around.那个陌生人挥舞着双臂急急地说着。




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