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词汇 splash
例句 There was a splash and something fell clumsily into the water.扑通一声,有东西重重地掉进了水里。Jodie Foster made quite a splash in the film "Taxi Driver".朱迪•福斯特因电影《出租车司机》而一举成名。Add a splash of lemon juice to flavor the butter.加上一点柠檬汁给黄油调味。Children like to splash in the bath.儿童喜欢在浴缸里嬉水。Throw in a splash of red wine for good measure.另外加入一点红葡萄酒。There was barely a splash when the diver hit the water.那位跳水选手跃入水池时,几乎没有溅起水花。His new film has made quite a splash in London.他的新电影在伦敦引起轰动。I was hit by the splash when a truck drove through the puddle.卡车开过水坑时,水溅到了我身上。The playwright made quite a splash on Broadway with his comedy.那位剧作家写的喜剧在百老汇引起很大的轰动。Do you see the splash I made when I jumped into the pool?我跳进水池时,你看到我溅起的水花了吗?I heard the splash of oars, and a rowing boat came into view.我听到了桨划水的声音,一只划艇出现在眼前。They splash themselves with water from the pump.他们把水泵里抽出的水泼在身上。He lost his balance and fell with a splash into the canal.他失去了平衡,扑通一声掉进了运河。You have a splash of mud on your shirt.你的衬衫溅上了一处泥污。The children jumped into the river with a splash.孩子们扑通一声跳进河里。Can you afford to splash out a little? Is your budget unlimited?你能稍微奢侈一点吗?你的预算是否有上限?The ball landed in the water near him, causing a small splash of seawater on his shoulder.球在他附近落水,海水溅起一阵小水花,打在他肩上。Every splash of blood was scrubbed away.每一滴血都被擦洗掉了。If you really want to splash out , let's go to dinner and a show in town.你要真想挥霍一下的话,咱们就去城里下馆子再看场演出。Russell's new show made a big splash in New York.拉塞尔的新节目在纽约引起很大的轰动。She intended to make a big splash with her wedding.她打算把婚礼的声势搞得大一些。Add a splash of lemon juice.加入一点点柠檬汁。She jumped into the pool with a splash.她扑通一声跳入池中。He fell splash into the river.他扑通一声掉入河里。Don't splash your brother.别把水洒到你弟弟身上了。Every time she did a flip turn, she made a large splash.每当做翻腾转体时她都溅起一个大水花。There'll be a big splash when the mass media get hold of the story.当大众传媒获悉这一新闻时必有一场轩然大波。Rachel fell into the river with a loud splash.雷切尔扑通一声掉进河里。The anchor went into the water with a loud splash.锚哗啦啦一声被抛入水中。I heard a splash.我听到一声泼溅。The horse has a splash of white on its forehead.这匹马的前额上有一块白斑。Ashlee fell into the river with a loud splash.阿什莉扑通一声掉进了河里。Window boxes of tulips added a splash of colour / color to the street.窗台上一盒盒的郁金香为街道增添了一抹色彩。The rain came down with a splash.一场瓢泼大雨哗哗而下。The bird dived into the pond with a splash.那只鸟嗖的一声潜入了池塘里。We heard a splash from the pool.我们听到水塘里传来了扑通的落水声。There was a splash of mud on the wall.墙上有溅上去的泥点。Weight in diving affects the size of splash.跳水时体重会影响水花的大小。He listened to the gentle splash of the waves against the boat.他听着海浪轻轻拍打船舷的声音。If he wanted to splash out on a new car it would take him a couple of days to get his hands on the cash.如果他想出一大笔钱买辆新车,他得花好几天才能筹到现款。




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