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词汇 spite of
例句 Somehow they stood together and kept the business going in spite of all that was going on.尽管发生了这一切,他们还是团结在一起把公司经营下去。Len had drunk too much wine, and he felt cosy and drowsy in spite of the coffee.莱恩喝了太多酒,尽管喝了咖啡,还是感觉温暖舒适、昏昏欲睡。In spite of the extremity of her seclusion, she was sane.尽管完全与世隔绝,她依然心智健全。In spite of his injury, Ricardo will play in Saturday's match.尽管里卡多有伤在身,星期六的比赛他仍会出场。We quite enjoyed our day out, in spite of the weather.尽管天气不太好,我们出去这一天还是过得相当愉快。There's good in her, in spite of her bad behaviour.尽管她行为不端,可她还是有好的方面。There's a lot of good in him, in spite of his rudeness.他虽然粗鲁,但是有很多好的地方。In spite of last night's terrorist attack, most people seem to be going about their business as if nothing had happened.尽管昨晚发生了恐怖袭击,大多数人似乎还是像平常一样生活工作,好像什么事情也没有发生过。In spite of all her complaints, Jilly looked the picture of health.吉莉尽管有很多小毛病,但看上去很健康。In spite of the film's many faults, on the whole it's worth seeing.这部影片尽管有许多不足之处,但总的来说还是值得一看的。In spite of our best endeavours, it has proven impossible to contact her.尽管我们尽了最大的努力,但最后还是未能联系上她。She was deeply moved and in spite of herself could not help showing it.她被深深地打动了,禁不住为之动容。In spite of the bad traffic, we reached London with plenty of time to spare.尽管交通很不顺畅,我们到达伦敦时还是早了不少时间。She went ahead in spite of the snow.尽管下着雪,她依旧继续前行。Try to sleep in spite of the noise.尽管有喧闹声也要设法睡着。In spite of her efforts, Hunt had not quite domesticated.虽然她想尽了办法,亨特仍不常在家住。In spite of the scale of the famine, the relief workers struggled on with dauntless optimism.尽管饥荒非常严重,救援工作者们仍发扬大无畏的乐观主义精神,尽职尽责地努力工作。She started to laugh, in spite of herself .她不由自主地笑了起来。There was a large crowd of onlookers in spite of the rain.有一大群人在冒雨围观。We must carry on in spite of our difficulties.虽然困难重重,我们仍然必须坚持。In spite of all his swank, he's never really achieved very much.虽然他喜欢卖弄,但他从来都没取得多大成就。There is good in her, in spite of her bad reputation.尽管她名声不佳,她还是有善的一面。That plant seems to be dying in spite of all my ministrations.不管我怎么细心照顾,那株植物看起来还是快要死了。I really enjoyed my time there in spite of having a heavy workload.尽管工作繁重,我还是十分享受我在那里的时光。In spite of the inattentive servers and the bad decor, it's worth eating at Leon's for the great cheap food.尽管利昂餐馆侍者服务不周,装潢欠佳,但是食品价廉物美,值得一尝。The soldiers kept ploughing ahead in spite of the difficulties.战士们顶着困难继续前进。In spite of vigilance a polar bear escaped from the zoo.尽管警戒很严,北极熊还是逃出了动物园。In spite of financial difficulties, he is rubbing along.他经济虽困难,但日子还过得去。In spite of the difficulties it would cause her family, the judge stuck to the letter of the law and jailed her.尽管会给她的家庭带来困难,法官还是严格依据法律条文判她入狱。We went out in spite of the rain.尽管下着雨,我们还是出去了。In spite of his age and infirmity, he still writes plays and novels.年迈体衰的他仍然坚持创作剧本和小说。The obstinate girl would go her way, in spite of all warnings.这固执的姑娘不管人家怎样警告她,还是我行我素。He was hell-bent on going in spite of the heavy rain.尽管下着大雨,他还是坚持要出去。They managed to carry on their experiments in spite of the difficulties.虽有困难,他们还是设法使试验继续下去。In spite of his physical weakness Harry kept himself as busy and active as possible.尽管身体虚弱,哈里仍尽量让自己活得充实积极。In spite of the terrible weather one plane managed to get through.尽管天气恶劣,有一架飞机还是成功抵达了。There was more violence in spite of renewed efforts to make peace.尽管人们一再努力争取和平,暴力事件却更加多了。In spite of their grandeur, the Cromptons were not ones to spend lots of money.尽管拥有显赫的地位,克朗普顿一家却不是那种挥霍钱财的人。The stock price has remained strong, in spite of the problems the company is having.尽管公司面临着这些问题,股价走势依然强劲。In spite of sporadic violence, polling was largely orderly.尽管有偶发的暴力事件,投票大体上是有序的。




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