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词汇 spirited
例句 Huge sums were spirited away into secret bank accounts.大笔金额被偷偷转入了秘密的银行账户。Thanks to a group of public-spirited citizens, the garden has been preserved.多亏了一群热心公益的市民,这个花园才得到了保留。This television program provoked a spirited debate in the United Kingdom.这个电视节目在英国引起了激烈的辩论。Protesters were spirited away before they could cause a disruption.抗议者们还没有造成混乱就被秘密地带走了。He was spirited away from the family home.他被秘密地从家里带走了。It was as though he had been spirited away.他似乎被悄悄转移了。The singer was spirited away in a limousine after the show.演出结束后,那位歌手坐上豪华轿车神秘消失了。He may have been spirited out of the country.他可能已被秘密带往国外。It has sparked a spirited debate in the American press.这已在美国报界引发了一场激烈的辩论。His parents had spirited him away to the country.他的父母偷偷地将他带到了该国。She's so spunky and spirited.她胆识过人,充满活力。Someone spirited her away during the night.有人在夜间将她秘密地绑架走了。After his speech, Jackson was spirited away through a back door.杰克逊一演讲完就被偷偷地从后门接走了。To avoid angry demonstrators, the minister was spirited through the back entrance.为了躲避愤怒的示威群众,这位部长被偷偷地从后门送走。Menzies' counsel put up a spirited defence of his client.孟席斯的辩护律师为他进行了一番有力的辩护。She put up a spirited defence of her government's policies.她积极地为她的政府的政策辩护。Thanks to a group of public-spirited citizens, the Krippendorf garden has been preserved.多亏了一些热心公益的市民,克里彭多夫花园才得以保留了下来。Stowe gives a stirring performance as a strong spirited female.斯托扮演了一位坚强而且充满活力的女性,她的表演震撼人心。His spirited commentary makes a match very interesting even on the radio.他对比赛作的实况报导十分生动,即使从收音机收听也很有趣。Any public-spirited citizen would have done the same.任何热心公益的公民都会那么做的。The child had been spirited away during the night.那孩子在夜里被偷偷地带走了。She's a very spirited young lady.她是个活力四射的年轻女子。The home team's spirited playing ensured them a comfortable victory.主队激情四射的表现使他们轻松赢得了比赛的胜利。She gave a high-spirited performance.她的表演活力四射。Murray was an affable, free-spirited man.默里是个温和友善、无拘无束的人。He was by nature a spirited little boy.他是个生性活泼的小男孩。He was spirited away and probably murdered.他被秘密带走,可能被杀害了。This project needs more public-spirited people.这个计划需要更多热心公益的人。It is possible that he has been spirited out of the country.可能他已经被偷偷带出了国。Later the family was spirited away to a secret location.后来,这一家人被偷偷带往一个秘密地点。As a young and spirited politician, he seems a worthy vessel for the nation's hopes.他是位充满活力的年轻政治家,似乎是可以寄托国家希望的人。You pick litter up in the park? That's very public-spirited of you!你在公园里拾垃圾?你真有公益精神!We listened to a passionate/spirited defense of the governor's decision.我们聆听了一场拥护州长决定的慷慨激昂的演讲。We had a spirited discussion.我们进行了热烈讨论。The Party Congress has closed with a spirited defence of the government's economic programme from the Deputy Prime Minister.党代表大会以副总理对政府经济计划热烈的辩护拉上了帷幕。Arsenal staged a spirited fightback in the second half.下半场,阿森纳队发起顽强的反攻。Some of the funds had been spirited away to other accounts.一部分资金被偷偷转移到其他账户了。It's depressing to see an intelligent, spirited young woman like her turning into a meek and compliant wife.看到像她这样聪明、有活力的年轻女子变成了一个顺服安分的妻子,真让人难过。She puts in a creditably spirited performance.她的表演富有激情,值得肯定。I've never seen her looking so low-spirited.我从未见过她如此没精打采。




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