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词汇 fetish
例句 He wore a fetish to ward off evil spirits.他戴了一个符像以辟邪。Americans seem to have a fetish for watering their golf courses.美国人好像特别热衷于给高尔夫球场浇水。She had a fetish for red hair, and so married a redhead.她对红头发爱得入迷,所以就嫁了一个红头发的人。He has a fetish for secrecy.他极其喜欢保密。He had a fetish for women's shoes and feet.他迷恋女人的鞋子和脚。Punctuality is a fetish with him.严守时刻是他的信条。She makes a fetish of cleanliness.她有洁癖。She told stories about the band's alcoholic binges, their arrests on drug charges, and even about one member's foot fetish.她讲了乐队饮酒作乐的事,讲了他们因为被指控吸毒而遭拘捕的事,甚至还讲到有个成员有恋脚癖。What began as a postwar fetish for sunbathing is rapidly developing into a world health crisis.开始是战后对日光浴的极度痴迷,而后迅速发展成世界性的健康危机。Sue has a real fetish about keeping everything tidy.休有整洁的癖好。




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