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词汇 spirit
例句 Jesus is on a spiritual retreat, mortifying the flesh so that the spirit housed within it can flourish.耶稣在进行心灵静修,通过克制肉欲而让内在的精神得以绽放。His work is imbued with the evolutionary spirit.他的著作充满着进化论精神。His ideas are in tune with the spirit of his age.他的想法和他所处的时代精神相符。Suffering was easier to bear than the bitterness he felt corroding his spirit.比起他感到正在渐渐侵蚀他精神的那些痛苦来说,这种折磨承受起来更容易些。He was the moving spirit behind the founding of the union.他是创立工会的发起人。Tourism has not destroyed the spirit of Bali.观光旅游没有破坏巴厘岛的地方特色。The Church regards spirit mediums and people claiming to speak to the dead as heretical.教会将灵媒巫师和自称能和死者交谈的人都视为异端。They brought the spirit of carnival to their concerts.他们给演唱会带来狂欢的气氛。Mediums claim to receive messages from the spirit world.通灵的人声称收到来自阴间的信息。This year Pat decided to get into the spirit and decorate her house for Halloween.今年帕特决心高高兴兴地把屋子装饰一番过万圣节。One can only hope that his unquiet spirit found some peace in the grave.人们只能祈求他那焦虑不安的灵魂能在坟墓里得到安宁。Resentment festered his spirit.忿恨使他精神痛苦。There is a great sense of team spirit among the British Olympic squad.在英国的奥运代表团中有一种强烈的团队精神。She embodies the spirit of revolution.她体现了革命的精神。It captures the spirit of the novel perfectly.它非常好地抓住了这部小说的精髓。She is admired for the generosity of her spirit. = She is admired for her generosity of spirit. 她因慷慨大度的精神而受到称赞。I wonder why you can't credit him with the same generosity of spirit.我想知道你为什么不认为他具有同样崇高的思想境界。Some religions believe that the same spirit is reincarnated many times in different bodies.一些宗教认为同一个灵魂会多次转世到不同的肉身里。A spirit of discontent was rapidly forming among the people.在人们中间很快出现了不满情绪。He has followed out the spirit of my instructions.他全面贯彻了我的指示精神。They have the right spirit!他们态度正确!Yet this widespread poverty was suffused with a massive resilience of spirit.然而,在这遍布各处的贫穷之中却又充溢着一种巨大的精神活力。My father was a proud spirit.我父亲是一个高傲的人。This adaptation perfectly captures the spirit of Kurt Vonnegut's novel.这次改编非常好地抓住了库尔特·冯内古特小说的精髓。When Maria died, she was a ruin not only in body but in spirit.玛丽亚死时不仅贫困潦倒,精神也彻底垮了。He conjured up the spirit of her dead mother.他用魔法召他亡母的灵魂。Judith couldn't really enter into the spirit of the occasion.朱迪思无法完全融入那场合的欢乐气氛中去。You need to enter into the spirit of the occasion.你需要融入这个场合的气氛中。Each country should honour the spirit of the treaty.每个国家都应尊重该条约的精神。It takes a lot of spirit for an invalid like him to remain cheerful.他这样的病人需要很大勇气才能保持愉快乐观。We feel totally renewed in body, mind, and spirit.我们在身心和精神方面都感到极度的振奋。His spirit remains unbroken.他的意志依然坚定。The referee should try to obey the spirit as well as the letter of the law.仲裁者不但要尽力遵循法律条文,还要竭力按照法律的精神行事。You become aware of a powerful community spirit.你感受到了强大的社区精神。The orchestra has more discipline now, but at the expense of spirit.那个管弦乐团现在更有纪律性了,却丧失了灵魂。Vodka is a type of spirit.伏特加是一种烈性酒。Chef Idris Caldora offers an inspired menu that captures the spirit of the Mediterranean.伊德里斯·卡尔德拉大厨给出了一份体现地中海精髓的菜单,堪称创意非凡之作。The difficulties have created a spirit of togetherness.危难造成了一种患难与共的精神。The town has a strong community spirit.该镇有一种强烈的社区意识。Fulfilment must be sought through the spirit, not the body or the mind.人要寻求满足必须透过心灵,而不是透过身体或是脑子。




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