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词汇 spiral
例句 They have already seen their total debts spiral back towards unsustainable levels.他们已经看目睹其债务总额急剧增长,又回到了不能维持下去的水平。His drug use drove him into a downward spiral. 吸毒导致他的健康每况愈下。The inflation spiral has its roots throughout the economy.螺旋状通货膨胀的根子在于整个经济领域。A spiral staircase descends to the lower ground floor.螺旋式楼梯向下延伸至底层。Military budgets continued to spiral.军事预算继续急遽增加。Her life was in a downward spiral as she battled depression and addiction.在与忧郁症和毒瘾抗争的过程中,她的生活每况愈下。Unemployment rose and the city went into a spiral of decline.失业率上升,该市持续走下坡路。The quarterback threw a tight spiral to the receiver.四分卫向接球手扔了一个急旋球。A coiled spring forms a spiral.一条卷起来的弹簧形成一个螺旋形。The glider flew in a wide spiral over the field.滑翔机在原野上空绕着螺旋形的大圈盘旋。We watched the leaves spiral down from the trees in the cold autumn wind.我们看着树叶在寒冷的秋风中盘旋落下。The polished stairs spiral down to the kitchen.锃亮的楼梯盘旋而下,通往厨房。The fighting between the different groups has become a self-perpetuating spiral of death and hatred.不同社会群体之间的斗争导致了死亡与憎恨的永无止境的恶性循环。The spiral of violence now accelerated.暴力升级现在加快了。Gas prices continued their dizzying upward spiral. 汽油价格继续飞速上涨。The company has entered a death spiral.这个公司已经进入了死亡的漩涡。Like many unemployed people, Theresa got sucked into a spiral of debts.像许多失业人员一样,特里萨也债台高筑。House prices will continue to spiral downwards.房价将继续暴跌。This year's downward spiral of house prices has depressed the market.今年房价的持续下跌造成了市场的疲软。The process is not a circle but rather a spiral.这个过程不是一个圆周运动而是螺旋上升型的。He proceeded down the spiral stairway.他走下了螺旋楼梯。The company is in a downward spiral.这家公司在日渐走下坡路。The spiral staircase led to an upper gallery.螺旋式楼梯通往上层画廊。The economy was on a downward spiral.经济状况持续恶化。The spiral of terrorism becomes never-ending.恐怖主义活动没完没了,不断升级。We have to avoid the downward spiral in which unemployment leads to homelessness and then to crime.我们必须避免失业导致无家可归,进而导致犯罪的恶性循环。The charged particles move in spiral paths.带电粒子呈螺旋状运动。Costs can quickly spiral out of control.价格可能会迅速攀升,失去控制。The economy continued its downward spiral.经济继续其螺旋式下降的走势。Our relationship went into a downward spiral.我们的关系持续恶化。A spiral of smoke rose from the kitchen chimney.一缕炊烟袅袅上升。Rising crime sent the island into a spiral of decline.犯罪率的上升使该岛的情况持续恶化。Production costs began to spiral.生产成本开始急遽上升。The plane began to spiral earthward.飞机开始盘旋着坠向地面。Her hair was styled into a cascade of spiral curls.她的头发做成了瀑布般的螺旋形鬈发。There is a risk that the policy may trigger an inflationary spiral.这一政策有可能引发通货膨胀螺旋式上升的风险。They are caught in an inflationary spiral of rising prices and wages.他们陷入物价和工资竞涨的通货膨胀恶性循环之中了。




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