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词汇 spending money
例句 My father decided to slip a little extra spending money into my purse as a surprise.为了给我一个惊喜,父亲决定往我的钱包里多塞一些零花钱。We can't go on spending money at that rate.我们可不能继续照那样子花钱了。Jo will use her winnings as spending money on her holiday to the Costa Brava.乔要把自己赢的钱作为去布拉沃海岸度假时的零花钱。She likes spending money just for the sake of it.她喜欢花钱就是因为想花钱。Their parents allowed five dollars for each child as spending money.他们的父母给每个孩子留了五美元作为零花钱。I don't know how much spending money to take on honeymoon.我不知道该带多少零用钱去度蜜月。The law specifically prohibits any group from spending money for political purposes.法律明确禁止任何团体将钱用于政治目的。They really do get pleasure from spending money on other people.他们确实从把钱花在别人身上而得到快乐。She was spending money frivolously.她当时花钱轻率。It's hard to justify the cost of a new car right now. = It's hard to justify spending money on a new car right now.现在很难为花钱买新车找到正当理由。Older people either have less spending money or are more innately cautious.老年人要么零用钱少,要么就是生性花钱谨慎。Rita's spending money like there's no tomorrow.丽塔拼命地花钱,就像过了今天没有明天似的。She is chary about spending money.她花钱小心谨慎。He's a little mean when it comes to spending money on the children.在孩子身上花钱他有点儿吝啬。After he won the lottery, he began spending money like there was no tomorrow.他赢了彩票后,开始拼命花钱。Her mother fretted over spending money on items she could have made herself.她的母亲因为花钱买她本来可以自制的东西而感到生气。Some of the companies were spending money like water.其中一些公司花钱如流水。She earned spending money at an after-school job.她靠课余打工挣些零用钱。How much spending money are you taking on holiday?度假时你打算带多少零用钱?If we keep spending money like this, we'll end up in the poorhouse.如果我们一直都这样花钱的话,我们最后会一无所有的。They don't accept any foolishness when it comes to spending money.在花钱的问题上,他们向来很谨慎。He's been spending money like mad.他花钱如流水。She has a cavalier attitude about/towards spending money.她对花钱毫不在意。How much spending money are you taking with you?你身上带了多少零用钱?He's spending money like there's no tomorrow. 他大肆挥霍,根本不顾将来。He's been spending money like crazy.他一直在疯狂消费。She has been spending money right and left.她花钱总是没有节制。You will end up in debt if you keep on spending money like that.你要是老这样花钱,总有一天要负债。He then started spending money in a big way.他那时开始大把地花钱。She has a sickness about spending money.她有个乱花钱的毛病。She has been spending money left and right.她一直花钱如流水。




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