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词汇 speedy
例句 We are working to ensure the safe and speedy return of all the refugees to their homes.我们正致力于确保所有难民安全而及时地返回家园。The UN representative stressed the urgency of a speedy solution.联合国代表强调了尽快解决问题的紧迫性。He's a very speedy worker.他干起活儿来很麻利。We're sorry to hear you're ill, and wish you a speedy recovery.抱歉听到你生病了,希望你早日康复。All our thoughts are with them and the hope is that he will make a speedy recovery.我们都很牵挂他们,希望他可以很快恢复。The President ought to seize this opportunity to make his peace with political parties and negotiate a speedy return to democracy.总统应该抓住这个机会与各政党握手言好,协商尽快恢复民主。The little green Fiat conveniently parked on the corner for what was to have been a speedy takeoff.这辆小小的绿色菲亚特牌汽车停靠在一个可以出入自如的街角上,随时准备一下子起动。This would be a very speedy trial.这将是一次十分迅速的审讯。The accusation brought a speedy denial.指责马上遭到否认。We wish Bill a speedy recovery.我们祝愿比尔快快康复。The revival of the railroad service will be immensely beneficial for the speedy movement of passengers and cargo.铁路运输的复兴对加快客货输送大有助益。They wished her a speedy recovery.他们祝她早日康复。We need to take speedy action/make a speedy decision.我们需要迅速采取行动/迅速作出决定。We wish them all a speedy recovery.我们祝愿他们全体早日康复。I'll sell at a discount in return for a speedy sale.为了尽快售出,我会打折销售。Thousands of letters and telegrams arrived wishing Nikolai a speedy recovery from his surgery.成千上万封来信和电报都祝愿尼古拉手术后迅速康复。She leaps in one bound onto her pony's back for a speedy canter around the ring.她纵身一跃骑上了马背,绕着场地策马慢跑。




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