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词汇 special school
例句 Her parents decided to put her in a special school for deaf children.父母决定把她送进一所专门为耳聋儿童开设的学校。David goes to a special school for disabled children.戴维去一所为残疾儿童开设的特殊学校上学。In some cases a problem child is placed in a special school.在某些情况下,问题儿童会被安置在特殊学校。It isn't a good idea to cream off the cleverest pupils and send them to a special school.把尖子学生抽出来送到一个特殊学校里去培养不是好办法。They creamed off the best students and sent them to a special school.他们把最好的学生挑选出来送往特别的学校。Bloomsbury House is a special school for girls and boys who are exceptionally gifted.布卢姆斯伯里学院是为具有特殊才华的男女学生开办的一所专门学校。In those days, medical people were the main determiners of which kind of special school a child should be sent to.在那个时候,孩子应该送到何种特殊学校,主要由医务人员说了算。She attends a special school for children with learning difficulties.她上的是一所为有学习困难的儿童开办的特殊学校。




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