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The company specializes in casual clothing but it is branching out into formal wear.这家公司专做休闲装,但现在开始涉足正装。At nursing college she specialized in midwifery.在护士学校她专修助产学。That building firm specializes in conversions.那家建筑公司专营改建房屋。The clinic specializes in geriatric medicine.这家诊所专门治疗老年病。Doctor Jones specializes in heart problems.琼斯医生是心脏病专家。This store specializes in bedclothes.这家商店专卖床上用品。I enjoy working in general medicine, but I hope to be able to specialize in the future.我现在觉得做全科医生挺好,不过希望将来可以专攻某一科。She specialized in interior design.她专门从事室内设计。The company specializes in the manufacture of high quality writing instruments.这家公司专门生产高质量的书写工具。The Harvey Clinic specializes in the treatment of alcohol-related problems.哈维诊所专治与酗酒有关的各类病症。As a lawyer, she specialized in working with bankrupts.作为律师,她专门处理破产者的官司。My history professor specialized in Russian history.我的历史学教授专门研究俄国历史。Dr. White specialized in children's diseases.怀特医生专治儿科疾病。There are restaurants, both humble and expensive, that specialize in them.专门做这些菜的餐馆既有毫不起眼的也有价格昂贵的。She specializes in marine law.她专门研究海事法。This farm specializes in organically grown food.这个农场专门种植天然的食物。We specialize in helping caregivers who take care of relatives in their own homes.我们专门帮助在家照顾亲人的人。They specialize in the adaptation of industrial buildings for housing.他们专门从事将工业建筑改建成住房的工作。The hotel's award-winning restaurant specializes in traditional food.那家酒店获奖的餐厅专门供应传统菜肴。Both architects specialize in the restoration of historic buildings.两位建筑师都是专门从事古建筑修复的。These nurses specialize in the care of the dying.这些护士专门从事临终关怀。He's a university professor who specializes in the history of the Russian empire.他是一位大学教授,专门研究俄罗斯帝国历史。We specialize in skiing equipment.我们专营滑雪装备。The hospital specializes in treating disorders of the brain.这家医院专门治疗脑疾。Many girl students specialize in medicine.许多女学生专攻医科。She gave up general medicine to specialize in geriatrics.她放弃了内科学,专攻老年医学。I specialized in the restoration of old houses.我专门从事旧房翻修。We specialize in unframed mirrors, made to measure for any room.我们专门做无边框的镜子,可根据任何房间的大小来定做。They specialize in management consultancy.他们专门从事管理咨询。The soldiers specialized in going out in small groups, to kill with a very high degree of selectivity.这些士兵擅长小股出动,执行具有高度选择性的歼敌任务。He specializes in Slavonic philology.他专门研究斯拉夫语言学。My mechanic specializes in repairing foreign cars.我的机修工专门修理进口车。The company specializes in building lake-front property.那家公司专门承建滨湖房地产项目。The firm specializes in painting and decorating.这家公司专门从事油漆装潢。The company specializes in making practical footwear for the leisure sports market.这家公司专门为休闲运动市场生产实用的鞋类。They specialize in outsize clothes.他们专营特大号服装。Simmons specialized in contract law.西蒙斯专攻合同法。One of the doctors at the clinic specializes in dermatology.诊所的一名医生专治皮肤病。US marshals specialize in finding fugitives and escapees.美国的执法官专职负责追查逃犯及越狱犯。The chef specializes in Hunan and Szechuan cuisine, but all the dishes we tried were delicious.这位厨师精通湖南菜和四川菜,但我们尝过的所有菜肴都很好吃。 |