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词汇 specialists
例句 Her observations confirm concerns being voiced by infectious-disease specialists.她的观察结果证实了传染病专家们的担心。The Health Department is seeking the advice of a team of tropical disease specialists.卫生部正在征询一组热带疾病专家的意见。The committee was composed entirely of specialists.该委员会完全由专家组成。Managers are subject to the scrutiny of specialists.经理们会受到专家的严格审查。The museum sends fragile porcelain objects to specialists to be restored.那家博物馆把易碎的瓷器展品运送到专家那里去修复。Only specialists can hope to understand them.只有专家才有望理解他们。The system is completely opaque to non-specialists.在非专业人士看来,该系统完全无法理解。U.S. government specialists went through each page, blacking out any information a foreign intelligence expert could use.美国政府的专家们审查了每一页内容,涂掉了外国情报专家可能利用的任何信息。Professor Williams is one of the world's leading specialists in radiotherapy.威廉斯教授是世界上顶尖的放射治疗专家之一。Each doll is crafted individually by specialists.每个布娃娃都是专业人员手工制作出来的。Heart specialists strongly advocate low-cholesterol diets.心脏病专家大力提倡低胆固醇饮食。His amazing recovery confounded the medical specialists.他神奇的康复使医学专家感到惊讶。Some of the teachers are technical specialists, but this is far from universal.有些老师是技术方面的专家,但这绝不是普遍现象。The school is staffed with handpicked educators and psychiatric specialists.这所学校配备有精英教员和精神科专家。Bomb specialists checked over the car.炸弹专家检查过这辆车。The advice is based on the distilled wisdom of a panel of heart specialists.这个建议是基于心脏病专家组集体智慧的结晶。The staff includes both generalists and specialists.员工中既有通才也有专才。This technology was designed for specialists but is now starting to move into the mainstream.这种技术原本是为专家设计的,但现在却渐渐成为主流。The advice is based on the distilled wisdom of a panel of heart specialists.该建议是在汇集提取了心脏专家小组的意见后作出的。All three doctors are certified as addictions specialists.三位医生都具有成瘾症专家的资质。




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