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词汇 speak to
例句 I was firmly resolved to speak to her.我下定决心要和她说话。I'll speak to him if the occasion arises.如有机会,我会跟他谈的。Are you telling me you're frightened to speak to her? Don't be so pathetic!你是在说你不敢跟她讲话吗?别太窝囊了!He mounted the platform and began to speak to the assembled crowd.他登上讲台,开始对集会的群众发表演讲。I can speak to his having been there.我能肯定他曾经到过那儿。I'll be most pleased to speak to them.能跟他们谈谈我会十分高兴。She was too upset to speak to him.她太气愤了,根本不想跟他说话。At no time did anyone involved speak to the press.任何相关人员都没有向媒体发表过言论。It's just like you to be jealous every time I speak to another woman. 你就是这个样子,每次我和别的女人说话,你都吃醋。Mandy was the only person who deigned to speak to him.曼迪是唯一一个肯屈尊跟他说话的人。I felt free to speak to her without constraint.同她说话我感到很自由,不拘束。Government officials did speak to reporters, but only off the record. 政府官员确实对记者讲了话,但那是不公开的。Could I speak to you in private a moment, padre.可否私下跟您谈谈,牧师。She suffers from periods of deep depression, when she locks herself away and will speak to no one for weeks.她患有严重的阶段性抑郁症,发病时她会把自己关在屋内,一连几个星期不与别人说话。Sorry, I'm busy right now - I'll speak to you later.对不起,我现在正忙—过会和你再谈。The whole matter is further complicated by the fact that Amanda and Jo refuse to speak to each other.阿曼达和乔彼此拒绝说话,使得整个事件更加复杂了。It was several minutes before he felt composed enough to speak to anyone.过了几分钟后他才平静下来,觉得能和别人交谈了。If you want to take the matter further, you should speak to a lawyer.如果你想继续追究此事,你应该找个律师谈谈。May I speak to you personally about this difficult matter?这件事情很难办,我可以跟你个别谈谈吗?She felt bad that she didn't get the chance to speak to him before he died.她在他去世之前没有机会和他说话,觉得很难过。The lawyer murmured discreetly that he would like to speak to her alone.律师小心地低声说想单独和她谈谈。Could I have a minute of your time? = Do you have a minute? = Could I speak to you for a minute? 能耽搁您一点时间吗?You'd speak to your little son;he's too mischievous.你得管教一下你的小儿子了,他也太淘气啦。She said that she wanted to speak to you directly.她说她想直接跟你说。I would think we need to speak to the headteacher about this first.我想,这件事我们需要先去问问校长的意见。She tried to speak to him civilly, in spite of the bitterness that she still felt towards him.尽管她仍在恨他,她还是努力客气地对他说话。Someone wants to speak to Professor Welch, but I can't find him. Would you take the call for him please.有人打电话来要找韦尔奇教授,但我找不到他,你来替他接一下好吧。They fell out last year, and they won't even speak to each other now.他们去年吵翻后,现在彼此甚至连话都不说了。Your father will speak to you later.回头你爸爸会训斥你的。Alyssa has a half-brother she's never met because her parents don't speak to each other any more.阿莉莎有个她从未见过面的异父〔母〕弟弟,因为她父母不相来往了。Could I speak to whoever is in charge of International Sales, please?能找负责国际销售的人接电话吗?I squatted down to speak to the boy, balancing on the balls of my feet.我蹲下来踮着脚和那个小男孩说话。Let me speak to Melanie before you hang up.在你挂电话之前让我和梅拉妮说几句话。If they don't want to speak to me, fine. No problem.如果他们不想和我讲话,好的。我不介意。As she began to speak to him, she was struck with shyness.她刚开始和他说话时,感到十分害羞。Ask to speak to the sister on the ward.请求和病房里的护士长说话。May I inquire why you wish to speak to him?我可以问一下你为什么想与他谈话吗?He's too proud to speak to poor people like us.他太骄傲了,从不与我们这样的穷人说话。Before they could continue their conversation, Frank Gordon came over to speak to Oliver.他们还没来得及继续交谈,弗兰克·戈登就跑上前来跟奥利弗说话。The manager promised that she would speak to the person responsible.经理答应说,她会告诫当事人的。




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