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词汇 space
例句 Avoid using the cleaner in a confined space.避免在密闭的空间使用这种去污剂。You can buy an all-purpose greetings card, with blank space, for you to write in your own message.你可以买一张多用途贺卡,上面是空白的,可以写上自己的话。If the car park's full you might find a space in one of the side streets.如果停车场满了,你也许可以在小街上找到停车位。The space shuttle Atlantis returned safely to earth today. “亚特兰蒂斯”号航天飞机今天安全返回地球。The countdown has begun for the launch later today of the American space shuttle.美国航天飞机的发射已于今天晚些时候开始进入倒计时。The company is renting office space downtown.公司正在市中心租办公室。Keep some space between your car and the truck ahead.在你的汽车与前面的卡车之间保持一些距离。We hope that it will give us some breathing space.我们希望这能给我们以喘息的机会。Those old boxes take up a lot of space.那些旧箱子很占地方。Thinner computer monitors save space.更薄的电脑显示器节省空间。The space program will be reviewed during the upcoming congressional session.这个太空计划将在即将召开的国会大会上予以审议。Now space satellites are used to speed long distance calls.现在宇宙卫星被用来快速传送长途电话。Massive amounts of the gas have escaped from the planet into space.这种气体从该行星大量逸出进入太空。There's not enough free space on my computer's hard drive to install the software.我的电脑硬盘没有足够的空间来安装这个软件。It was all over in a relatively short space of time.没一会儿功夫,一切就都结束了。There isn't much disk space left.磁盘的存储空间所剩无几。A hunk of space debris is hurtling towards the Earth.一大块太空垃圾正朝地球猛撞过来。I am sure he took my parking space just out of spite.我很肯定他是为了泄愤才抢我的停车位。He's collecting material for a new book on space travel.他正在为一本关于太空旅行的新书收集素材。I'm not sure it's worth the upheaval of moving to gain just a little more space.我怀疑费这么大力气搬家就为了得到多一点空间是不是值得。NASA has stopped the countdown for the space shuttle mission because of technical problems.由于技术问题,美国国家航空航天局已经停止了发射航天飞机的倒计时准备。You're invading my space. 你侵入了我的个人空间。The car was pinched for rear seat passenger space.这辆汽车后排乘客空间不宽裕。The unmanned spacecraft docked automatically yesterday with an orbiting space station.那个无人驾驶宇宙飞行器昨天与一个沿轨道运行的航天站自动对接。Look at that! Someone's taken my parking space!瞧!有人占了我的停车位。When he's depressed, he just sits there, staring off into space.他心情不好的时候,就坐在那里瞪着眼睛发呆。It's an old factory that has been renovated as office space.这家旧工厂被整修一新,成为了办公场所。We can get round the problem of space by building an extension.我们可以通过扩建来解决空间不足的问题。Objects continuously revolve in space inspiring wonder and amazement.天体在太空中不停旋转,引人惊奇。Some Western scientists believe that there are still a few cosmonauts of Russia operating independently in outer space.有一些西方科学家认为太空中还有一些俄国宇航员在独立运作。Additional space is roughed in for future development.为将来的发展额外预留了一些空间。It takes a shuttle crew around a day to get used to the weightlessness of space.航天飞机机组人员要花一天左右才能习惯太空里的失重状态。The treaty prohibits nations from making claims in outer space.该条约禁止各国在外太空有任何要求。Of all nations, the U.S. is the front-runner in space technology.在所有国家之中,美国是太空科技的先驱者。Well, we've strayed quite a way from space exploration.哎呀,我们的话题离太空探险太远了。My books occupy a lot of space.我的书占了很多地方。It happened three times in the space of five months.这事在五个月内发生了三次。NASA continues its efforts to communicate with intelligent beings in outer space.美国国家航空航天局继续努力,想与外太空智慧生物取得联系。The satellite fell into bottomless space.卫星落入深不可测的太空。If you need more storage space it's possible to add more shelves.如果你需要多一些储藏空间的话,可以再添一些架子。




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