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词汇 soon
例句 Flying is exciting the first time you do it, but you soon become jaded.第一次坐飞机你会很兴奋,但很快你就会厌倦的。They had thought that the vacation would be restful, but they were soon disillusioned.他们原以为假期里能好好休息,但过不多久便明白根本不是那回事。She was a stirring speaker and activist and soon became the poster child of the antiwar movement.她是个能鼓舞人心的演说家和活动家,很快就成了反战运动的代言人My ankle is going down nicely, I should be able to walk soon.我的脚踝在逐渐消肿,情况良好,不久该可走路了。They plan to meet again in Rome very soon to begin substantive negotiations.他们计划不久后在罗马再次会晤,以开始实质性的谈判。The city's traffic problems will soon become unmanageable.该城的交通问题不久将会失控。Do you think the patient will be up and around soon?你看这病人会很快起床走动吗?We must have another transfusion of blood soon or that boy's life is in danger.我们必须马上再给这男孩输血,否则他就有生命危险。Counting will begin as soon as the polls close.选举投票一结束就将开始计票。I'd as soon go to another restaurant as wait for a table here.我宁可去另一家饭店,也不想在这里等空桌子。It's going to thunder soon.快要打雷了。My determination crumbled as soon as I saw her.我一看见她决心就荡然无存。The operation will go ahead as soon as a suitable donor can be found.一找到合适的器官捐献者就进行手术。As soon as I mentioned work, he was out of the door like greased lightning!我刚一提工作的事儿,他就一溜烟似的跑出去了!The reader soon picks up on the fact that the story's main character is crazy.读者很快发现这个故事的主人公很疯狂。They are expected to make an announcement very soon.估计他们很快就要宣布消息了。News of Helen's pregnancy soon got around the office.海伦怀孕的消息很快在办公室传开了。The effects of the drug soon wore off.药效很快就消失了。She soon came to her senses in hospital.她在医院里很快就苏醒过来了。If you have to file a claim, do so as soon as possible.倘若你一定要提出赔偿的话,就赶快提出。Paul tore open the packet as soon as it arrived.保罗一收到包裹就拆开了。The trap sprang as soon as the hare stepped in it.野兔一进去,捕捉器即被触发关上。He soon rivaled the others in skill.他在技术上不久便与其他人匹敌。As soon as she was within reach he grabbed her wrist.她一靠近,他就一把抓住了她的手腕。He managed to sit up but soon sank back exhausted.他努力坐直身体,但一会儿就累瘫了。He had soon made himself indispensable.他很快就使自己成为不可或缺的人物。Must you leave so soon?你一定得这么快就走吗?His cousin was soon cursing luridly.他的表哥立刻破口大骂,让人听了瞠目结舌。James was taken to hospital but died soon afterwards.詹姆斯被送到了医院,但是很快就死了。As soon as the farm was fit to live in, we moved all our things there.一等到农场可以住人时,我们马上把所有的东西都搬到了那儿。I kept getting mysterious phone calls where the caller would hang up as soon as I answered.我老是接到神秘电话,我一接电话,对方就会挂掉。Lendl hit the ball way too soon.伦德尔太早击球了。Detectives questioning neighbours soon found themselves with a windfall of leads.在街坊中调查的侦探们很快就发现他们无意中已掌握了一批线索。Everyone made for the exit as soon as the show was over.演出一结束,所有人都涌向了出口。It'll be dark soon, I'll be bound.天很快要黑了,我敢肯定。Once the Japanese had shown the way, manufacturers in other countries soon began to use robots on a large scale.日本人带头之后,其他国家的制造商也都很快大规模地使用机器人。His excitement soon boiled away when the work actually started.等工作真正开始时,他的兴奋很快消失殆尽了。The center hiked the ball too soon, and the quarterback fumbled.中锋后传球太快了,四分卫没接住。Great pressure was put on the police to catch the terrorists as soon as possible.警方面临着很大的压力,要尽早抓获恐怖分子。You and I must have lunch together real soon.你我必须尽快一起吃午饭。




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