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词汇 Sometimes
例句 Sometimes it's better to just leave well alone.有时候不去管它更好。Sometimes repetition is necessary to drive a point home.有时为阐明观点,重复是必要的。Sometimes we need to introspect about our own motives.有时候我们需要反省自己的动机。Sometimes he gave them a severe admonishment.有时他会给予他们严厉的警告。Sometimes there's a flat fee for carrying out a particular task.有时执行某项特定的任务有固定的价码。Sometimes, but not very often, Pippa persuaded her father to lend her his car.有时皮帕也能说服父亲把车子借给她用,但这种情况不多。Sometimes I walk very close to the edge of the cliffs for the thrill of it.有时候我会走到离悬崖边缘很近的地方,寻找一种刺激的感觉。Sometimes she would try out different routes to relieve the monotony of her daily journey.有时她会走不同的路线,以调剂每天走同一条路带来的单调感。Sometimes I feel that life is just passing me by.有时候我感觉生命正从我身边流逝。Sometimes he gets these weird ideas.有时他会冒出这些奇怪的想法。Sometimes I overheard snatches of their conversation.有时候我能听到他们只言片语的谈话。Sometimes I cook and she does the dishes and sometimes it is the other way around. 有时候我做饭她洗碗,有时候情况正好相反。Sometimes it's best not to say anything.有时候,最好是什么话都别说。Sometimes they had to get by on very little.有时候他们只得靠一点点钱勉强过日子。Sometimes we bend the truth a little in order to spare them the pain of the real facts.有时我们会稍微变动一下事实,以免他们知道实情会太痛苦。Sometimes it is awkward to be with people who are not your compeers.有时在与自己地位不相等的人一起时会很尴尬。Sometimes you have to get down and dirty with your competitors.有时不得不对竞争对手狠一点。Sometimes, Grandma would tell us stories about her childhood in Italy.有时候,祖母会跟我们讲讲她在意大利时的童年故事。Sometimes they go slumming.他们有时去访问贫民窟。Sometimes it can be easier if you have a nanny who lives in.有时候雇一个住家保姆生活会方便一些。Sometimes trying to find something on the worldwide web is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.有时候在互联网上找东西就和大海捞针一样难。Sometimes a few choice words will do the trick.有时说几句尖酸刻薄的话就有人听了。Sometimes it is hard for children to make new friends.有时候孩子们很难结交新朋友。Sometimes she spoke sensibly; sometimes she rambled.有时她说得也还通情达理,有时就是闲扯。Sometimes I go window-shopping after work.有时候我下班之后会去逛街浏览橱窗。Sometimes security was so tight that people who might have had something important to offer were left out of the picture.有时安全措施过于严密,本来可能会提供重要情况的人成了局外人。Sometimes she fantasized about buying a boat and sailing around the world.有时候,她幻想着买艘船周游世界。Sometimes he would sneak out of the house late at night.有时他会在深夜悄悄溜到屋外去。Sometimes, you need to get away from the same old routine and the same old faces.有时候,你需要摆脱一下刻板的生活,离开那些熟悉的面孔。Sometimes it's difficult to get back into the job market after being a full-time mom.当上全职妈妈后再要回到求职市场上是很难的。Sometimes I thought I was going insane.有时候我觉得自己快疯了。Sometimes he was moving money from one account to another, robbing Peter to pay Paul.有的时候他把钱从一个账户转到另一个账户,拆东墙补西墙。Sometimes I wish he was more passionate, not so rational about everything.有时我希望他能够更冲动些,不要凡事都那么理性。I hate my work. Sometimes I feel like throwing in the sponge.我不喜欢我的工作,有时真想撒手不干了。Sometimes our expectations sneak up on us unawares.有时候,我们期待的事会在不知不觉中到来。Sometimes she sits alone in the shadow.有时候她独自一人坐在幽暗处。Sometimes life just isn't fair.有时候生活就是不那么公平。Sometimes this fact is obscured because churches get so bogged down by unimportant rules.教会常被细枝末节的条条框框所困囿,所以有时这一事实会被遮掩。Sometimes it is necessary to trim those policies.有时需要改变原先制定的那些政策。Sometimes it is very important to stay mum.有时保持沉默是非常重要的。




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