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词汇 something
例句 Can I get you something to drink?要不要我给你弄点喝的?There was something strange in her attitude which mystified me.她态度有些奇怪,让我迷惑不解。I was desperately trying to grab hold of something solid.我拼命想要抓住一个坚固的物体。The bill came to fifty-something dollars.账单总共五十多美元。This situation is not going to sort itself out. We have to do something.这种局面不会自行消失,我们得采取一些措施。He seemed to be itching for an excuse to say something rude.他似乎很想找个借口讲粗话。If I've caused any offence over something I have written, I will happily apologise.如果我写的东西冒犯了别人,我愿意道歉。He will not help unless he gets something in return.除非他能得到什么回报,否则是不会帮忙的。She thinks she's something since she won the beauty contest.选美比赛得了奖,她就自以为了不起了。There was something sinister about him that she found disturbing.他给人一种危险的感觉,这让她内心不安。Well, so much for that idea. We'll have to try something else.好了,那个想法就别再提了。我们得想其他方法。He'll see that something is done.他会确保做点儿什么。As Dr Smith left he said that the inquiry was something of a red herring.史密斯博士离开时说这次调查只是为掩人耳目。When are you going to do something about this broken window?那扇破玻璃窗你打算什么时候弄啊?She was getting very fat indeed, now that she was in something called `the pudding club', going to have a baby.她确实变得很胖了,那是因为她现在大着肚子,要生小孩了。He finally felt like he had accomplished something important.他终于觉得自己似乎做了件大事了。Can you clear something up for us? How old are you?回答我们一些问题好吗?你多大岁数了?Did you say something? Sorry - I wasn't listening.你说了什么吗?对不起,我没注意听。The symbol © shows that something is protected by copyright.©这个标志表示受版权保护。We need something to keep the children occupied.我们需要找些事让孩子们别闲着。We should do something to reward our most productive employees.我们应该对效率高的员工有点奖励。There's something in a trumpet call that stirs your blood.小号声中有某种东西使你热血沸腾。Don't let credit tempt you to buy something you can't afford.不要因为可以赊购,就买超过自己支付能力的东西。There's something on your shirt, on the back.你的衬衫上有什么东西,在背上。I must now confess something which I kept back from you earlier.我现在一定要向你坦白先前对你隐瞒的事。Her hand touched something cold and slimy.她的手碰到了一个黏糊糊冷冰冰的东西。I'll change into something more comfortable when I get home.等我回到家就会舒坦下来。There was something dated about him, but it was an endearing quality.他有些老派守旧,但这是一种令人敬重的品质。Well, you're staying. That's something, I suppose.哦,你留下来了。我想这已经很不错了。So trade between the two nations has been something of a one-way street, with Cuba deriving the benefit.所以在两国的双边贸易中可以说只有古巴从中受惠。Their instincts warned them something was amiss.本能警告他们,有什么地方不大对头。I'd better buy something for the new baby.我最好给刚出生的宝宝买些东西。Quick, do something - there's water all over the kitchen floor.快,来弄一弄!厨房地上到处是水。A fever usually signifies that there is something wrong with the body.发烧通常意味著身体有点毛病。My wife didn't want me to take the blame for something we were both involved in.对于我们夫妇两都有参与的事,我妻子不愿让我独自承担责任。I knew I'd forgotten something.我知道我忘了什么了。The book is something of a curate's egg.这本书瑕瑜互见。He was on the edge of saying something when the phone rang.他正准备说点什么时,电话铃响了。I'm dying for something to eat.我非常想吃点东西。Stop right there, before you say something you'll regret.趁你说出会让你将来后悔的话之前,立刻打住。




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