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词汇 solid
例句 When water freezes, it becomes solid.水结冰时变成固体。The mast, which was a solid spruce spar, bent like a bow, and for a moment I thought we were going to lose it.坚固的云杉木做成的桅杆已经弯得像一把弓,那一刻我觉得它马上就要断了。Water may exist in a solid, liquid, or gaseous state.水可呈固态、液态或气态。A solid wall of mist obscured the view.浓雾遮挡了视野。They walked between the lines of solid Victorian houses.他们走在两排坚固的维多利亚时期的房屋中间。We listened to him for two solid hours, but he had nothing very revealing to say.我们听他讲了足足两个小时,然而他讲不出什么有意思的东西。Much modern furniture is not solid but uses a sandwich of wood veneer on plywood.许多现代家具用的并非实心木料,而是在胶合板上镶上一层木板饰面而已。The solid feel of the car's shell is impressive.这辆汽车的外壳给人的感觉异常坚固。I am determined to build on this solid foundation.我决定在这个坚实的基础之上继续努力。I had no solid evidence, only vague suspicions.我没有确凿的证据,只是隐约有些怀疑。A solid bloc of members supported the decision.成员们团结一致支持该决定。The antiques dealer guessed that the furniture was Victorian and solid mahogany.古玩商猜测,那家具是维多利亚时代的,用纯红木做成。When did your baby start on solid food?你的孩子从什么时候开始吃固体食物的?They must have spent a lot on their new kitchen. It's made of solid oak他们的新厨房一定花了不少钱,都是用实心橡木做的。Their intervention disarrayed the usually solid ranks of government supporters.他们的介入搅乱了通常团结一致的政府支持者。He has a solid family background.他的家庭背景很可靠。When ice melts, it passes from a solid to a liquid form.冰溶化后就从固体变成了液体。To make sure that he was on solid ground, he confirmed his findings with others.为了确保有十分的把握,他把自己的研究结果跟其他人作了核实。The firm is rock-solid financially.这个公司经济实力非常可靠。Fats are solid at room temperature, and oil is liquid at room temperature.脂肪在室温下为固态,油在室温下为液态。The locks on the doors were solid and strong.门上的锁都很坚固结实。Jerrold laughed again, a solid, fruity laugh.杰罗尔德又笑了,声音浑厚而圆润。These glaciers are beds of solid ice.这些冰河由一层层坚冰形成。The course gives students a solid foundation in the basics of computing.这门课程可为学生的计算机知识打下坚实的基础。Water exists in three states: liquid, gaseous, and solid.水有三种状态: 液态、气态和固态。Hey! The milk's frozen solid!嗨!牛奶都冻成固体了!The theatre was packed solid.剧院观众爆满。A solid phalanx of armed guards stood in front of the castle.城堡前站列着整齐坚实的武装卫兵方阵。It wasn't long before he was back on solid earth again.没有多久他又回到了现实世界。The statue has a solid concrete base.这座雕像有个坚固的混凝土底座。The members were solid against the idea.会员们一致反对这个意见。All the band come from good, solid, working-class backgrounds.所有的乐手都来自值得我们尊敬的工人阶级。It wasn't what you would call marital bliss, but it was a good, solid marriage.那婚姻不能用百般恩爱、如鱼得水来形容,却是幸福而又稳固的婚姻。Worktops are available in solid wood or laminate with wood trim.工作台面现货有实木的或木条镶边层压板的。Support for the plan remained rock solid.对这个计划的支持仍坚如磐石。The snow compacts and forms a solid layer.雪变得很坚实,形成坚硬的一层。France made a solid but unspectacular start to their World Cup preparations.法国坚实而低调地迈出了备战世界杯的第一步。Try starting your baby on solid foods at four months old.宝宝四个月大时,试着给他吃固体食物。The traffic was jammed solid on the bridge.桥上车辆堵得水泄不通。I still have a problem eating solid food.我吃固体食物还有点困难。




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