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词汇 snack
例句 I'm trying not to snack between meals.我正努力不在两餐之间吃点心。They stopped for a snack at a roadside cafe.他们在路边的一家咖啡馆停下来吃了点东西。I snack on bread during the day.我白天把面包当点心吃。It is customary to offer a drink or a snack to guests.向客人提供一杯饮料或一份点心是一种习俗。You are better eating just a small snack than hurrying a main meal.你最好简单吃点快餐,不要着急着慌地吃正餐。He ate a snack before resuming work.他吃了一份快餐而后继续工作。Although it's only a quick snack, a hamburger is highly caloric.汉堡包尽管是快餐,可热量很高。They tend to snack rather than sitting down for proper meals.他们习惯于吃零食,而不是正儿八经地坐下来吃饭。She gave each of the children a goody at snack time.点心时间,她分给每个孩子一份好吃的东西。We stopped for a quick snack.我们停下来匆匆吃了点东西。Although it's only a quick snack, a hamburger is highly calorific.汉堡包尽管是快餐,可热量很高。We were planning on just having a snack and catching the early train.我们打算吃份快餐赶早班火车。He had a snack of chips and dip.他吃了份脆片蘸酱小吃。Kiwi fruit are just the thing for a healthy snack.猕猴桃正是人们需要的健康零食。Most office staff prefer a snack lunch to a sit-down meal.大部分办公室职员都喜欢快餐午饭而非在餐厅正式用餐。I don't eat much for lunch - just a light snack.我午饭吃得不多——只吃一点儿小吃。Would you like me to whip up a snack?你想要我马上准备个小点心吗?The snack bar is open during the day.小吃店白天营业。We stopped for a snack on the way here.我们来这儿的途中停下来吃了点儿东西。The crowd was queuing up at the snack bar.那群人在快餐店排队等候。Children who snack often develop poor eating habits.常吃零食的孩子会养成不良的饮食习惯。The crowd was queuing at the snack bar.一群人在快餐店排队等候。I fixed myself a light snack.我为自己准备了些小吃。I got a drink from the hotel snack machine.我在宾馆的自动售货机上买了杯饮料。Before the film, I bought some popcorn and a drink at the snack bar.电影开演前,我在小吃店买了些爆米花和饮料。Not even another teensy-weensy snack?连一客小点心也不再要了?Don't give in to the temptation to snack between meals.不要屈服于两餐之间想吃点心的诱惑。While never a big eater, he did snack a lot.他饭量从来都不大,但零食确实是吃得很多。Dinner wouldn't be ready for a couple hours, so we had a snack while we watched television.晚饭还要几个小时才准备好,所以我们边看电视边吃了点东西。Refreshments are available from the snack bar.小吃台供应茶点。If there's a café nearby, we could stop for a snack.如果附近有小餐馆的话,我们可以停下来吃点东西。He had a snack to tide himself over until dinner.他吃了点儿点心垫一垫,以撑到晚餐。You can enjoy a quick snack while your children cavort in the sand.趁孩子们在沙滩上嬉戏,你可以吃点小吃。There's a snack bar at the pool where we can get nachos.游泳池那儿有家小吃店,我们可以去买烤墨西哥玉米片。Noodles and wonton were available at snack time.在快餐时间能吃到面条和馄饨。Fresh or dried fruit makes an ideal snack.新鲜水果或果脯是理想的小吃。Try not to snack on crisps and chocolate.尽量别吃薯片和巧克力这些零食。I'll just snack on an apple if I'm hungry.如果饿了,我就吃个苹果垫一垫。Cassie always had a drink and a snack when she got home from school.凯茜放学回家后总要喝点饮料吃些点心。If you can't get to sleep, don't get up or have a meal or snack; relax and read quietly instead.如果睡不着,就不要起来,也不要吃饭或吃零食,而是要放松下来,静静地阅读。




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