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词汇 smug
例句 She was very smug and self-satisfied about getting the promotion.她为升职而很是沾沾自喜,神气活现。She wore/had a smug expression.她显出一副自鸣得意的样子。What are you looking so smug about?什么事让你这么得意?He writes smug, sanctimonious rubbish.他写的都是些自我陶醉、故作清高的垃圾作品。It's OK to celebrate your success, but try not to be too smug about it.你可以庆祝成功,但注意不要太自鸣得意。Thomas and his wife looked at each other in smug satisfaction.托马斯和他妻子扬扬自得地对视着。He tried hard not to smile in smug self-satisfaction.他强忍住沾沾自喜的笑容。You can wipe that smug look off your face.你别这么一副沾沾自喜的样子。Wipe that smug look off your face before I slap you!收起你那副洋洋得意的表情吧,小心我搧你!I felt very smug about not wasting paper.我对于不浪费纸张很得意。If you knew, which I'm sure you did judging from your smug expression, why didn't you tell me?如果你知道,从你扬扬得意的表情判断,我肯定你知道,为什么不说给我听?He writes smug, sanctimonious waffle.他写的满篇都是自鸣得意、道貌岸然的废话。Now don't get smug just because you've won a couple of games.不要赢了几场比赛就沾沾自喜。He is insufferably smug and arrogant.他自鸣得意,骄横自大,让人难以忍受。Lawson comes over as smug and arrogant, but in fact he's quite a decent man.劳森显得自鸣得意、趾高气扬,但他实际上是个很正派的人。The programme seemed false and sugary, and the characters smug.这个节目看起来矫揉造作,而其中的人物还自我感觉良好。I longed to wipe the smug smirk off his face.我多希望让他再也得意不起来。




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