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例句 The government appears to be in a quandary about what to do with so many people.政府似乎陷入了左右为难的境地,不知道该拿这么多人怎么办。People in younger age bands may be in higher or lower tax bands.年纪较轻的人群可能会处在较高或较低的税级。Would it be in order for us to examine the manuscript?按规定我们可以检查原稿吗?If we all stick to the same story we'll be in the clear.如果我们大家口径一致,我们就无法被证明有罪了。I'm just explaining to them how we come to be in Liverpool.我正在向他们解释我们是怎么碰巧到了利物浦的。Gray is thought to be in hiding near the France/Italy border.他们认为格雷藏在法国和意大利边境附近。The verb needs to be in the third person singular.该动词必须采用第三人称单数形式。Thank you, sir, your papers seem to be in order.谢谢您,先生。您的资料看起来井井有条。She must be in her early thirties by now.她现在肯定是三十岁出头。The British Government may be in stormy economic waters.英国政府可能陷入了动荡的经济困境中。The car should be in the garage unless someone's moved it.如果没有人动它,车应该在车库里。Phyllis always wanted to be in show business.菲莉丝一直想从事演艺工作。He finally fell exhausted into bed in the small hours.凌晨时分他终于筋疲力尽上床睡觉了。People guessed his age to be in the low forties.人们猜测他的年龄是四十出头。Schools must be in session a set number of days each year.学校每年上课的时间必须达到规定的天数。Do you want to go ahead with the advance party, or would you rather be in the second group of climbers?你想和先遣队一起走,还是同第二批登山队员一起走?The main purpose of the meeting is to discuss who will be in the team.这次会议的主要目的是商讨队员的遴选。I'd find it so hard to talk about, I'd be in floods of tears.我会觉得难以启齿,肯定会泪如泉涌。She's waiting for the ball to be in her court.她正伺机一显身手The Prime Minister needs a whole concatenation of circumstances to be in place before he can win a referendum.首相需要天时地利人和才能赢得全民公投。The pain was so bad that I would be in floods of tears.疼痛难忍,我就快大哭起来了。She said stations should be in the open, near housing, not overshadowed by trees or walls.她说车站应该建在住宅区附近的开阔地带,不应为树木或墙壁所遮挡。With the right government, the country wouldn't be in such a muddle.那个国家要是治理得当,就不至于陷入这样糟糕的局面。Russell said expulsion may be in store for some of the students involved in the fighting that broke out Friday.拉塞尔说参与星期五发生的打架的一些学生可能会遭到开除。For the dress rehearsal, the cast will be in full costume.演员们将身穿全套戏装参加彩排。She would be in pain for the rest of her life, if you could call it a life.她的余生都将在痛苦中度过,如果你还把那称作生活的话。You'll be in shtook if you carry on like that.如果你继续这样下去会惹麻烦的。A promotion might be in the offing for him.他可能很快会升职。I shouldn't care to be in your shoes.我可不想处于你的地位。A trip to India may be in the wind.也许会有一次印度之行。We still haven't settled a number of problems, like who is going to be in charge here while I'm away.有一些问题我们还未解决,比如说我不在时这里由谁负责。All your papers seem to be in order.你所有的文件似乎都办妥了。The arrangements for the event still seemed to be in doubt.这一活动的安排似乎仍然不确定。No one should be in such a bad way that they have to beg. It's a sin.一个人不应该落到乞讨这般糟糕的地步。这是一种罪过。The first meeting will be in the City Hall, but all subsequent meetings will be held in the school.第一次会议将在市政府大楼召开,但以后的各次会议均会在学校举行。The verb should be in the singular.这个动词应当用单数形式。Opponents of the new law appear to be in the minority. 反对这条新法律的人占少数。All entries must be in by next week.所有参赛作品必须在下周之前提交。Father Whittaker appeared to be in a jovial mood.惠特克神父看上去心情很愉快。Tomorrow the temperature will be in the low twenties.明天气温将略高于二十度。




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