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词汇 smiled
例句 Humiliated, he smiled weakly before leaving the room.由于受到羞辱,他在离开房间前笑得很勉强。His eyes crinkled up at the corners as he smiled.他笑的时候眼角起了皱纹。He smiled at me impishly.他顽皮地冲我微笑。He turned and smiled at me.他转过身朝我微笑。She smiled modestly.她谦虚地笑了笑。He smiled at her, and she returned the smile. 他对她微笑,她也报以微微一笑。She smiled angelically.她甜美地笑着。She just smiled and shook her head as they sat and discussed football.他们坐在那里大谈足球时,她只是微笑和摇头。He smiled goofily.他傻傻地笑了。He smiled fondly at the recollection.想起这件往事时他露出了愉悦的微笑。She smiled mischievously.她调皮地微微一笑。She smiled with saccharine sweetness.她微笑着,笑容甜得发腻。She opened her eyes and smiled at me.她睁开眼睛,向我微笑。She smiled, showing all her strong white teeth.她笑了,露出一口洁白的好牙齿。She smiled excitedly, her eyes gleaming.她激动地微笑着,眼睛闪闪发光。She smiled as he squeezed her hand.他捏捏她的手,她笑了。A memory of last night came to mind, and he smiled.回想起昨晚的事,他笑了。I just smiled sweetly and said no.我只是和气地笑了笑,拒绝了。She looked at him directly and occasionally smiled disarmingly at him.她直视着他,时不时地冲他友善地笑笑。The gods smiled on us and we had brilliant sunshine throughout the day.上天眷顾我们,我们度过了阳光明媚的一天。"Don't you worry about a thing. Everything's going to be just fine," smiled Robin reassuringly.“别担心,一切都会很好的,”罗宾微笑着安慰道。Sally smiled to herself. It was easy to attract men. Like taking candy from a baby.萨莉自己暗暗笑了。吸引男人真是容易,就像哄小孩的糖果吃。She smiled and tried to hide her bitterness.她微微一笑,尽力掩饰自己的怨恨。She smiled involuntarily as she pictured the scene.她在幻想着那情景时不知不觉露出了笑容。Kathy smiled at her daughter's radiant face.凯茜对着女儿容光焕发的面孔微笑着。He smiled and ran his hands with a thistledown touch over his son's face.他笑了,双手轻柔地抚摸了一下儿子的脸。She smiled serenely.她安详地微笑。He smiled to think what a fool he had been.一想到他曾那么傻,他就感到可笑。The teacher smiled and gave the boy a pat on the head. 老师笑了笑,拍了拍男孩的头。She smiled in her unhurting way.她以其特有的宽厚方式微微一笑。He smiled boyishly, crinkling his eyes.他眯起眼睛,笑得像个孩子。He smiled benignly at his students.他对学生亲切地微笑。She smiled, but she was fuming inwardly.她笑了笑,但心底里非常气愤。I smiled a polite greeting, but the woman hardly acknowledged me.我笑着客气地打了个招呼,可是那女人都没有搭理我。The gods smiled/frowned on us. = The gods were/weren't on our side 神眷顾/不支持我们。He smiled, unsullied by doubt.他虽疑惑但还是笑了笑。She smiled, revealing a row of perfectly capped teeth.她笑了,露出一排镶得很整齐的牙齿。He smiled showing his teeth, which were a revolting yellow colour.他笑起来露出了牙齿,黄黄的令人恶心。She smiled sweetly at him.她朝他亲切地微笑。He smiled, an odd, dreamy smile that sent chills up my back.他笑了,笑容古怪迷离,叫我后背发凉。




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