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词汇 slows
例句 Friction, or drag, slows up flight.摩擦力,或称阻力,降低了飞行速度。The action slows in the middle reaches of the play.在全剧的中间,情节进展速度慢下来了。Alcohol slows a driver's reactions, making it harder to avoid an accident.酒精会减弱司机的反应能力,使他更难避免事故的发生。As the river slows down, it deposits a layer of soil.河水流速变慢时,一层泥沙便沉积下来。Anything that slows down the operation, immediately puts the patient in peril.任何延误手术的事都会立刻将此病人置于危险之中。Eating too much fat furs up your arteries which slows down the flow of blood.摄入过多脂肪会阻塞你的动脉,减缓血液流动。The movie begins/starts with a bang and never slows down.这部电影劲爆上映,并且势头一直不减。His medication slows him down.他的药物使他失去了活力。The centrifugal force of a rotating object decreases when it slows dwon.旋转物体的离心力在减速时降低。This switch slows down the action of the pump.这个开关减缓了泵的运作。As demand slows, the need to export will return.随着需求放缓,出口的需要将回归。What happens when the housing boom finally slows?房地产繁荣速度最终放缓时会发生什么情况?The river slows on the flat bottom.河水在平坦的河床上减慢了流速。We need to eat less as we get older and our metabolic rate slows down.随着年龄的增长,新陈代谢速度减缓,我们应该少吃些东西。




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