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词汇 slide
例句 He nodded to his assistant to start the slide show.他朝他的助手点头示意开始播放幻灯片。He let the business slide.他对生意下滑不管不顾。In the mirror, she saw him slide open one of his drawers.她从镜子里看到他拉开一个抽屉。He mounted a specimen on a slide for examination with a microscope.他把标本固定在显微镜的载片上用于观察。The car went into a slide on the ice.汽车在冰上打滑。The restaurant's new management is really letting the quality of the food slide.餐馆新管理层确实让菜品质量变差了。The car hit a patch of ice and went into a slide. 车轮压上一块冰,开始打滑了。His parents are concerned that their son's grades have started to slide. 他的父母担心他的成绩已开始下滑。He gave a fascinating slide show on climbing in the Himalayas.他放映了攀登喜马拉雅山的精彩幻灯片。The narrated slide show of Elvis was outrageous.关于埃尔维斯的有讲解的幻灯片真棒。There will be two slide projectors and screens in the room.该房间内将放置两套配有银幕的幻灯机。She discus sale, but slide over the problem of how to increase production.她谈论了销售情况,却对增加生产的问题一带而过。The slide was skew.这张幻灯片有点歪。The drawers of my desk slide in and out easily.我书桌的抽屉抽出推进很顺溜。Each section is mounted on a slide and examined under the microscope.每一份切片都放在载玻片上用显微镜检查。If prices rise, the country could slide into anarchy.如果物价上涨,国家将有可能陷入无政府状态。Let's slide down this grassy slope.我们顺着草坡滑下去吧。The drawers slide in and out easily.这种抽屉拉出推进都很容易。She hasn't been feeling well lately and she let the housework slide.她近来一直感到不适,对家务也就随它去算了。He began his slide down the slippery slope of alcohol abuse.他开始迅速滑向深渊,变得酗酒成性。The company had let environmental standards slide.这家公司听凭环境标准的不断下降。The car went into a slide on the iced road.汽车在结冰的路上打滑了。The slide gave close-up detail of petal formation.幻灯片展示了花瓣结构的细部特写。The test involves examination under a microscope of cells taken from the neck of the womb, smeared onto a microscope slide.这个试验需要取子宫颈处的细胞制成涂片并放在显微镜下观察。The U.S. dollar continued to slide.美元持续下跌。The country is continuing the slide into chaos and violence.该国进一步陷入混乱和暴力。You should not let your studies slide.你不应该学习上放任自流。There's a pathos in his performance which he never lets slide into sentimentality.他的表演有一种感染力,而他从不让这种感染力变成过分的感伤。The slide cut off the valley from the rest of the world.山崩切断了这个山谷与外界的联系。Prices will continue to slide unless production is reduced.如果不减产,价格会持续下滑。You were late this morning. I'll let it slide this time, but don't let it happen again.你今早迟到了,这次我就放过你,但是不能再迟到了。The news sent stock prices generally on a downhill slide.这则消息使股价普遍下跌。Eric lost his footing and began to slide into the pit.埃里克一脚踩空,开始往坑里滑。The slide mechanism on the machine was broken.这台机器上的滑动装置坏掉了。I have no way to deal with it, let a thing slide.我毫无办法处理,顺其自然吧。Several of the leading dot-coms saw their share prices slide yesterday.几家主要的网络公司的股票价格昨天下跌了。What we are witnessing is the country's slow slide into anarchy.我们现在亲眼目睹着该国慢慢陷入无政府状态。He always finds a way to slide in a reference to his new book.他总会设法提及自己的新书。He oiled the slide of his trombone.他给长号的伸缩管上油。The book describes her slide into depression.书中写她陷入了抑郁。




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