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词汇 behaves
例句 The dog behaves destructively.这条狗的行为具有破坏性。She doesn't flirt with anyone, behaves modestly and morally.她不与任何人调情,举止端庄稳重。He behaves throughout with a certain sang-froid.他从头至尾都表现出一定的冷静沉着。His staff behaves itself well enough under Tom's gentle lash.在汤姆宽容的管理下,他的僚属表现很不错。He has spent his career studying how matter behaves at the fine edge between order and disorder.他从事研究物质在有序与无序的细微临界处的行为变化。She behaves as her inner woman prompts.她心里怎么想就怎么行动。I'll go tomorrow if the wind behaves.只要老天乖乖儿吹顺风,我明天就动身。You should send him packing if he behaves like that again.如果他再那样做的话,你应该让他卷铺盖滚蛋。He's welcome to come along, provided that he behaves himself.他只要守规矩就欢迎他来。Sometimes he behaves very strangely towards me.有时他对我的态度非常奇怪。She behaves in an odd manner.她表现得很古怪。The way he behaves is foolish.他的行为方式很愚蠢。A woman who behaves promiscuously is called a slut, but a man who behaves the same way is admiringly called a stud.行为放荡的女人被称为淫妇,同样的男人却被誉为情圣。He behaves like a child!他的表现像个孩子!Schoolchildren are quick to gang up on anyone who looks or behaves differently.小学生谁要是外表或者行为异常,很快就会有学生联合起来欺负他。Make a fuss of your dog when he behaves properly.狗儿守规矩的时候就要宠宠它。He behaves conspicuously and spends lavishly at all the most popular nightclubs.他行为招摇,在各大夜总会出手阔绰。




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