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词汇 behave
例句 There's something about Christmas that makes everyone behave like children.圣诞节有某种东西使每个人的行为都变得像孩子一样。What else could make him behave so out of character?还有什么能让他做出这种如此失常的行为来?A man who can behave like that must be completely without scruples.能如此行事的人一定毫无顾忌。They have some quaint notions about how women should behave.他们对于妇女行为举止的观念有些已经过时了。Costs and revenues are assumed to behave in a linear fashion.人们推断成本与收益呈线性关系。I can't bear it if/when people behave like that!我容忍不了人们的那种举动!It is not honorable of you to behave like that.你那样做不道德。Don't tell me how to behave in public!不用你告诉我在公共场合应该怎样怎样!The experiment tested how various metals behave under heat and pressure.实验测试了不同金属在高温和高压下的反应。Tell him to behave, or I'll fix him.告诉他规矩点,否则我要收拾他。She knows how to behave like a lady.她知道怎么做一个淑女。They learn how particles behave in solids, liquids, and gases.他们了解到粒子在固体、液体和气体中如何运动。How could you behave so unpleasantly towards her?你怎么能对她这样无礼呢?Not all British tourists behave badly.不是所有的英国游客都举止不当。Parents should teach their children how to behave in company.父母应当教导孩子怎样在别人面前举止得体。Their behavior was incorrect. = It was incorrect of them to behave like that.他们的行为不合规矩。If she doesn't behave properly, send her home.如果她表现不好,就把她送回家。The teacher gave her one last chance to prove she could behave.老师给她最后一次机会,让她证明她会遵守纪律。He's a spoilt brat and it's about time he learnt to behave properly.他是个被宠坏的淘气包,该学些规矩了。Do people behave completely rationally when they vote in elections?人们在选举投票的时候,行为是完全理性的吗?You're a disgrace (to the family) - what a way to behave!你真(给家人)丢脸——怎么能干出这样的事情!They are emotionally mature and should behave responsibly.他们在情感上已经成熟,应该负责任地行事。Why does he behave like that? I can't work him out at all.他为什么那样做?——我完全搞不清楚。Make sure you behave yourselves when we visit Grandma.看望外婆时你们一定要规规矩矩的。It was impertinent of him to behave like that.他那种举止很不礼貌。You boys have got to learn to behave yourselves.你们这些男孩子必须学着规矩点。The aim of discipline is to teach children to behave acceptably.纪律的目的是教育儿童举止得体。Under certain conditions, electrons can behave like waves rather than particles.在一定条件下,电子可以作波状运动,而不是粒子状运动。She couldn't explain what had made her go against her upbringing and character and behave so recklessly.她无法解释为何自己会做出与教养和性格相违背的事,行为如此轻率鲁莽。Very often children who behave badly at school have problems at home.在学校里行为不佳的儿童大多数在家里也有问题。He expected Labour MPs to behave as ambassadors for the government, going out to people, reaching them, explaining to them.他曾期望工党的下院议员充当政府的代表,走出去接触人民,向人民做解释工作。It's not right to behave like that.那种行为不合法。They must behave in a way which will be socially acceptable.他们的行为举止必须得到社会的认可才行。Just behave yourself or you'll get another spanking.规矩点儿,否则你屁股要挨打了。School administrators walk a tightrope between the demands of the community and the realities of how children really behave.学校管理者在社区的要求与孩子们的实际表现之间寻求平衡点。I had hoped you would behave in a more responsible manner.我曾希望你会表现得更负责些。Humans and machines sometimes behave similarly.人和机器有时行为相似。People behave according to their own understanding of situations.人们根据他们自己对情况的理解行事。The children must learn how to behave properly in church.孩子们做礼拜时必须学会举止得当。Can't you behave in a mature way?你的举止不能稳重一点吗?




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