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He claims that most Western aid to the Third World is just colonialism in disguise.他说西方给第三世界提供的援助大多只是变相的殖民主义行为。Use of the car is penalized by increasing parking fees.通过提高停车费,变相制裁车辆的使用。The change was immediately dismissed as a backdoor tax increase.这一改动被认为是变相增税而立刻遭到否决。Her speech was a coded attack on the former leader.她的演讲是对前任领导变相的攻击。Use of the car is penalized by increasing the fares of parking lots.通过提高停车费,变相制裁车辆的使用。Telephonists in the city areas start working to rule today.市区的电话接线员今天开始变相怠工。A work-to-rule is seen as a way to protest against low pay or bad working conditions.大多数的变相怠工都是对低工资或恶劣工作环境的抗议。He says that the new fee is really just a tax increase in disguise.他说新征费用实际上就是变相的增加税收。So far, the refuse collectors have not resorted to a strike but are working to rule.迄今为止,清洁工人们还没有进行罢工,只是严格按章工作变相怠工。 |