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词汇 skyline
例句 The flames lit up the skyline.火光照亮了天际线。You get a good view of the New York skyline from the Statue of Liberty.从自由女神像上可以清楚地看到纽约的空中轮廓线。The new hotel towers over the Shanghai skyline.新旅馆矗立在上海的天际线上。Clouds of smoke floated over the skyline.一团团烟雾漂浮在空中轮廓线上方。The city skyline was spangled with lights.城市的空中轮廓线灯光闪耀。There are many construction cranes on the skyline.空中轮廓剪影中有许多建筑起重机。A giant Ferris wheel dominates the skyline.一个巨大的摩天轮赫然耸立于地平线上。The skyline is dominated by smoking factory chimneys.地平线上全是工厂冒着烟的烟囱。Chicago's skyline is dominated by the country's tallest skyscraper.这座全国最高的摩天大楼在芝加哥高高耸立。The skyline is broken by a water tower.一座水塔凸现在天际线上。The sun slipped below the skyline.太阳落到天际线下。The skyline of domes and minarets was imprinted on my memory.天空中穹顶与尖塔的轮廓深深刻在了我的记忆中。The tall blocks of flats dominated the skyline.那些高高的公寓楼耸入云端。From this position, you can see all of New York City's skyline.从这个位置你可以看到整个纽约的天际线。The roof commands a spectacular view of the skyline.房顶上能看到壮观的空中剪影。From across the river we saw the full sweep of the Manhattan skyline.从河对面我们看见整个曼哈顿的空中轮廓线。We saw a figure silhouetted against the skyline.我们看到一个人影凸现在地平线上。The tall buildings of Hong Kong make a magnificent skyline.香港的高大建筑群映在天空上,颇为壮观。The tall buildings dominated the skyline.高大的建筑群在天空映衬下的轮廓非常醒目。The great bridge rainbows the skyline.这座大桥像彩虹般横越长空。The village church dominates the skyline.乡村教堂在天空映衬下的轮廓非常醒目。




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