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词汇 approach
例句 He has a very nontraditional approach to teaching.他有一套很独特的教学方法。This approach allows students to learn at their own pace.这个方法可使学生按照自己的进度学习。According to the report, most Americans have a distinctly haphazard approach to saving for the future.根据该报道,大多数美国人对于为将来而储蓄的态度是明显无计划的。The policy was rejected in favour of a more cautious approach.这项政策未被采纳,取而代之的是一项较为谨慎的策略。The traffic on the approach road slowed to a crawl.引路上车辆行驶缓慢。A heavy-handed approach from the police could undo that good impression.警方的粗暴手段可能会抹去之前留下的良好印象。This approach will foster an understanding of environmental issues.这种方法会促进对环境问题的理解。The whole department admired her sure-footed approach to the problem.整个部门都很欣赏她处理这个问题的稳妥方式。Sam had a certain aloofness that made people afraid to approach him.萨姆有点孤傲,令人不敢接近。What we are proposing is a radical change in approach.我们打算在方法上来个彻底转变。The situation has made us aware of the need for a more structured approach to dealing with prisoners’ problems.这情形使我们意识到我们需要用更周密的方法来处理囚犯问题。Sometimes I just have to resort to the carrot and stick approach with my children.有时候我只能对我的孩子们采取软硬兼施的办法。Under the new approach more money will go towards improving the standard of training.根据新方案,将投入更多的资金提高训练水平。She takes a casual approach to her homework.她对待家庭作业漫不经心。His level-headed approach suggests he will do what is necessary.他这人做事沉稳冷静,会见机行事的。It is high time the Government displayed a more humanitarian approach towards victims of the recession.政府早该对受到经济衰退影响的人们采取更加人性化的救助措施。Children are encouraged to take an investigative approach to learning.鼓励孩子们进行探究性学习。Dogs began to bark, aware of our approach.狗察觉到我们的靠近,叫了起来。Williams took a more pragmatic approach to management problems.威廉斯在管理问题上采用的是一种更务实的做法。This carrot and stick approach has paid off.这个奖惩并用的方法取得了成效。Getting angry with him didn't work, so I tried the opposite approach.对他发火没有用,所以我就用了相反的方法。Did Mary approach you about lending her some money?玛丽找你商量过有关借钱给她的事吗? For urban areas this approach was wholly inadequate.对于市区来说,这种办法根本不会奏效。There is a great deal to learn from Hal's expert approach.从哈尔专业的处理方法中可以学到很多东西。They like this approach because it fits in with their own preconceptions.他们喜欢这一方法,因为它与他们事先的想法一致。The elephants trumpeted and stamped their feet at their approach.当他们靠近时,这些大象一边吼叫一边跺脚。The days lengthened with the approach of spring.随着春天的来临,白昼变长了。The door opens by itself as you approach it.当你靠近的时候门就会自动打开。The two schools differ in their approach to discipline.两所学校在纪律要求方面采用的方法不同。He took rather a sledgehammer approach to the whole thing.他对整件事采取的是大锤敲胡桃的方法。I think we need a more subtle approach.我认为我们需要采用一种更含蓄的方式。Few actors approach him in ability.在才华方面很少有演员可与他媲美。You can't approach these kind of situations with a closed mind.你不能以僵化的心态对待这种局势。We believe that widespread implementation of this approach will result in improvements.我们相信这一方法的广泛使用将会带来诸多改进。Some teachers have a more traditional approach to teaching.有些老师采用较为传统的教学方法。The open approach contrasts favourably / favorably with the exclusivity of some universities.这种开放式的做法与一些大学的封闭排外相比,具有明显优势。Try to cultivate a more relaxed and positive approach to life.要努力养成更为放松和积极的生活态度。One approach is to cloak the subject in highfalutin words and obscure concepts.一种办法是用冠冕堂皇的言辞和模棱两可的概念来掩饰这个话题。The most famous exponent of this approach to art was probably Charles Rennie Mackintosh.这种艺术手法最著名的大师很可能是查尔斯·伦尼·麦金托什。Let's try a fresh approach to this problem.咱们试着用新方法解决这个问题。




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