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词汇 skip
例句 The news was enough to make his heart skip a beat.这个消息足以令他激动万分。You might want to skip the exercises in this chapter.你们也许想跳过这一章的练习。Lars taught me to skip rocks.拉斯教我如何跳过岩石。They most always skip lunch.他们几乎总是不吃午饭。When I read a book, I usually skip over the uninteresting parts.当我阅读一本书时,我通常跳过无趣的部分。You can skip over the introduction if you want.如果你愿意,可以跳过引言部分。I meant to…oh, skip it. It's not important anyway.我本想…噢,算了,反正也不重要。Bundle up the newspapers and take them to the skip.把这些报纸捆好扔进废物桶里。The boys liked to skip stones on the lake.男孩子喜欢在湖面上用石子打水漂。He read the lengthy report without a skip.他从头至尾读了那份冗长的报告。They skip rope and play catch, waiting for the bell.他们又是跳绳,又是玩接球,等着上课铃声响起。It is important not to skip meals.每顿饭都要吃,这一点很重要。If you were about to ask me for money, skip it!如果你要问我借钱就甭提了!I could skip every lecture for a month and still graduate.我可以一个月不去上课还照样毕业。The boys like to skip flat stones across the pond.男孩子们喜欢往池塘水面上扔石片打水漂。I got the rock to skip six times!我用这块石头打水漂,弹跳了六次!Let's skip the introduction and get straight down to the facts.咱们跳过序言直接从具体内容部分开始吧。I'll skip dessert; I'm slimming.我不吃甜点了,我在减肥。The girl gave a skip to avoid the puddle.那女孩纵身一跳,越过了小水潭。The boxer gave a little skip as he came out of his corner.拳击手稍稍一跃,从他的场角里走了出来。Let's skip that page and go on to the next chapter.让我们跳过那一页继续到下一章吧。He used to skip lessons and hang around the harbor with some other boys.他过去经常逃课,在码头上和其他几个男孩瞎混。What I saw made my heart skip a beat.我看到所发生的事时心跳都停顿了一下。I'd better skip the party and stay at home to revise.我最好还是不去参加这个聚会,留在家里温习功课。He read the novel without a skip.他从头至尾阅读了全本小说。She urged him to skip the details and cut to the chase. 她催促他略过细节,直入正题。Most economics textbooks skip over the subject of investing and financial markets.大多数经济学教科书中都略去了投资及金融市场这一课题。I don't like this song. Let's skip to the next one.我不喜欢这首歌。我们跳到下一首吧。You can skip over that paragraph.你可以略过那一段。The child gave a skip of joy.那孩子高兴得跳起来。Can you skip to the other end of the playground.你边走边跳地到操场的另一边去吧。Police are afraid he might try to skip the country.警方担心他会潜逃出国。Her house is just a hop, skip, and jump from mine.她家离我家就只有几步之遥。The Nimbus can skip along at a fair pace and, with a sharp dab on the brakes, the light rear end can be upset.这款汽车跑起来很轻快,只是尾部轻,一猛点刹车就掉屁股。I read the book without a skip.我从头至尾阅读了那本书。She will skip a grade and go right from the fourth to the sixth grade next September.明年九月,她将跳一级,直接从四年级跳到六年级。If you skip breakfast, your blood sugar level will drop and you will probably feel light-headed.如果不吃早餐,血糖含量就会降低,你很可能会觉得晕眩。If you are having trouble with one of the questions on the test, skip it and come back to it later.考试中如果遇到一道难题,先跳过去,随后再回来做。The weather's so nice today - let's skip class and go to the beach.今天的天气这么好,我们逃课去海滩吧。It's not a good idea to skip breakfast.不吃早餐不是个好主意。




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