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词汇 skins
例句 The only difference between us is the colour of our skins.我们之间唯一的差别就是肤色。Native Americans used to trade skins .印第安人过去曾买卖兽皮。The earliest skis were crude, consisting of short boards covered in fur skins.最早的滑雪板很简单,由一块短木板外面包一层毛皮制成。Banana skins are yellow.香蕉皮是黄色的。The skins have come from legitimate hunting expeditions.这些毛皮是合法狩猎中获得的。Halve the peppers and char the skins under a hot grill.将甜椒剖成两半,在滚热的烤架上烤至外壳微焦。Snakes slough off their dead skins.蛇会将死皮蜕去。The colouring pigments from the skins are not allowed to bleed into the grape juice.葡萄皮的色素不得渗进葡萄汁里。When they heard the police cars, they all set about saving their own skins.他们听到警车开来,都忙不迭地各自逃命了。When they heard the police sirens, they all set about saving their own skins.听到警车号笛,他们便纷纷逃窜。Potato skins should be eaten too for extra roughage.土豆皮含有额外的粗纤维,应该一起吃掉。Cook the potatoes quickly with their skins on.把土豆连皮快煮一下。Native Americans had many uses for animal skins.美洲土著居民大量使用动物皮毛。Twist the mixture into individual sausages without splitting the skins.将混合物拧成一段段的香肠,不要把皮弄破。They have imposed a ban on the import of seal skins.他们已经禁止进口海豹皮。Prick the potatoes and rub the skins with salt.将马铃薯戳一些洞,并用盐揉搓外皮。We jumped out of our skins when we heard the good news.我们听到那好消息都高兴得跳了起来。The toy is made with animal skins.这玩具是用兽皮做的。Toast the hazelnuts until the skins char.把榛子烤到外皮微焦。Abscesses are usually caused by bacterial infection. They are most often seen on skins. The symptoms are likely to recur after healing.脓疮通常是因为细菌感染引起,最常见于皮肤上,愈后很容易复发。Many electronic devices let you create your own skins.许多电子设备都允许使用者创建个性化的外观界面。You need to grill the tomatoes until the skins blacken.你得把番茄烤到外皮变黑才行。Toads have drier, lumpier skins than frogs and spend less time in the water.蟾蜍的皮比青蛙干燥,疙瘩也更多,呆在水中的时间比青蛙少。Do not add salt to beans when cooking as this tends to toughen the skins.煮豆荚时别加盐,因为这常会使豆壳变硬。Frogs absorb water through their skins.青蛙通过皮肤吸收水分。The original settlers traded furs and skins for food and tobacco.最初的定居者用毛皮换食品和烟草。Peaches have delicate skins which are easily bruised.桃子的表皮很娇嫩,容易碰伤。Indian skins age far more slowly than American or Italian ones.印度人的皮肤比美国人或意大利人的皮肤衰老得慢得多。The colouring pigments from the skins are not allowed to bleed into the grape juice.外皮上的色素不能渗到葡萄汁里面去。Blanch the peaches and remove the skins.把桃子用沸水烫一烫后去皮。These oils may cause irritation to sensitive skins.这些化妆油会导致敏感皮肤发炎。Some frogs exude a poisonous chemical from their skins.一些蛙类皮肤里会渗出一种有毒物质。The bugs remain near the empty egg shells for a few days before casting their skins.这些虫子会在空蛋壳旁边待上几天后蜕皮。These apples have tough skins.这些苹果的皮很老。These snakes shed their skins once a year.这些蛇一年蜕一次皮。The tool was used to scrape hair off buffalo skins.这个工具是用来刮除水牛皮上的毛的。




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