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词汇 loudly
例句 She was crunching loudly on an apple.她嘎吱嘎吱地吃着苹果,声音很大。He jangled his keys loudly outside the door.他在门外把钥匙弄得叮当响。The crow squawked loudly.乌鸦呱呱大叫。He loudly slammed the door behind him.他砰的一声关上门走了。Some of the victims are complaining loudly about the uneven distribution of emergency aid.其中一些灾民大声地抱怨紧急援助物资分配不公。She strode purposefully up to the door and rang the bell loudly.她坚定地大步走到门前,把门铃按得很响。Someone knocked loudly at the door.有人大声敲门。The lady remonstrated loudly with the porter.那位女士对着搬行李工人大发雷霆。Sue screamed, not loudly, more in surprise than terror.休尖叫起来,声音不大,吃惊多于恐惧。She loudly insisted that she had a right to stay.她大声坚称自己有权留下。He played the piano passage too loudly.他把这段本应轻声演奏的乐段弹得声音太大了。Thunder boomed loudly overhead.雷声在我们头顶隆隆作响。She wiped her eyes and sniffed loudly.她抹了抹眼睛,哧哧地抽着鼻子。Everyone remarked loudly on his resignation.大家对他的辞职都大声议论开了。She spoke more loudly than she intended.她本来无意那么大声说话的。The victorious team were loudly cheered by their fans.获胜队赢得了球迷们的高声欢呼。As she spoke rather loudly I couldn't help overhearing what she said.因为她的声音相当响,我不免听到了她说的话。He was talking rather too loudly.他讲话的声音相当大。Someone was thumping loudly on the door.有人在咚咚地敲门。The first speaker began to talk, very fast and rather loudly.第一个发言者开始讲话了,语速很快,声音相当大。As they guffawed loudly, the ticket collector arrived.他们哈哈大笑的时候,检票员过来了。Kemp knocked loudly so as to be heard above the high babble of voices.肯普大声敲着,好让人们在一片高声喧嚷中听到他的声音。He was carried away in a police van, protesting loudly.他大声抗议着被警车带走了。You'll need to speak quite loudly because my father's going deaf.你要说得很大声,因为我父亲耳朵不灵了。The workers are loudly disgruntled with their wages.工人们对他们的工资大表不满。They walked up to the door and knocked loudly.他们走到门前大声敲门。Bill had dozed off in his chair, and was snoring loudly.比尔坐在椅子上睡着了,鼾声大起。Everyone else laughed loudly, but I didn't see the joke.其他人都在大声地笑,而我却不知道他们在笑什么。The bell is ringing loudly to declare victory.钟声大作,昭告胜利。The cat purred loudly, rubbing against her legs.那只猫咕噜咕噜地大声叫着,在她的腿上蹭来蹭去。The crow cawed as loudly as she could.这只乌鸦尽力大声地呱呱叫。He snorted loudly and shook his head.他响亮地哼了一声,摇了摇头。She sucked an ice cube into her mouth, and crunched it loudly.她吸了块冰块到嘴里,嘎嘣嘎嘣地大声嚼着。Horace was on the sofa, dead to the world and snoring loudly.霍勒斯在沙发上熟睡,鼾声大作。He cut the discussion short by clapping loudly.他大声鼓掌,打断了讨论。People at the back started booing loudly.后面的人开始大声喝倒彩。She wiped her face and sniffed loudly.她抹了一把脸,很响地抽着鼻子。She complained loudly to the owner of the store, who answered her mildly.她冲著和颜悦色答复她的店主大声抱怨。The crowd cheered loudly as he came on stage.他登上舞台时人群高声叫好。She was still conscious and was moaning loudly with pain.她神志仍然清醒,只是痛得大声呻吟。




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