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词汇 skinny
例句 The boys used to go skinny-dipping in the pond every Saturday morning.以前,每个星期六早晨,男孩们都去池塘裸泳。He threw off his inhibitions and went skinny-dipping.他抛开拘谨去裸泳。Get the skinny on hundreds of celebs in our "People Profiles" section.在我们的《人物介绍》栏目可以看到几百位明星的贴身信息。He was quite a skinny little boy.他是个瘦得皮包骨头的小男孩。She is terrible skinny and homely.她非常瘦,相貌平平。You're too skinny — we'll have to fatten you up.你太瘦了,我们要把你养胖些。He was as skinny a man as I've ever seen.他是我有生以来看到过的人中间最瘦的一个。She's too doggoned skinny.她真瘦得要命。We used to skinny-dip in the lake.我们过去常在湖里裸泳。He was a bit on the skinny side, and didn't look at all handsome.他有些过于消瘦,看着一点儿也不英俊。Give me the inside/straight/real skinny.把内部/可靠/真实的消息告诉我。He set his skinny legs apart and threw back his shoulders.他叉开两条细腿,猛地挺起胸膛。Let's go skinny-dipping.咱们去裸泳吧。I was a skinny little kid.我当时是个很瘦的小孩。He is tall and skinny.他高高的个子,长得极瘦。Some supermodels are far too skinny.有些超级模特儿也太瘦骨嶙峋了。As a kid she was always really skinny.她在孩提时就一直非常瘦。She had stringy hair and skinny legs.她的长发稀疏,毫无光泽,两条腿跟竹竿似的。You should eat more - you're too skinny.你应该多吃点儿,你太瘦了。They went for a skinny-dip in the lake.他们去湖里裸泳。She's too dang skinny.她简直就是个皮包骨。I was really skinny when I was a teenager.我十几岁时非常瘦。Jacob placed his arm around her skinny shoulders.雅各布搂住她瘦骨嶙峋的肩膀。At school I was fairly skinny and undersized.上学时我相当瘦小。




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