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词汇 situations
例句 You'll feel a lot better about yourself if you work on solutions to your upsetting situations.如果你设法找到解决自己麻烦的办法,你自我感觉会好得多。Drastic situations require drastic measures.极端的情况需要采取极端的解决办法。You have spent the past six months working yourself up into a lather over situations which are really none of your business.在过去的六个月里,你一直都在为一些跟你毫不相干的情况而焦躁不已。Some people find interview situations very intimidating.有些人认为面试的环境很吓人。I've been in some pressure situations when I had to hit a great shot or lose the game.我曾身处压力之中,当时我如果不能有个漂亮的进球,就会输掉比赛。I often find myself in awkward situations.我经常发现自己处于尴尬境地。I get so tense and nervous in normal everyday situations.面对日常状况我变得特别紧张焦虑。Her experience allows her to handle difficult situations easily. 她的经验使她可以轻松化解困境。Certain situations can foster creativity.某些情况会促进创造力。The same holds true for/in all similar situations.这同样适用于所有类似情况。Look, Ray, you're a man of the world - I'm sure you've been in situations like this before.听我说,雷,你也是一个阅历丰富的人—我相信你以前也碰到过这种情形。Work out what situations or people make you feel stressed and avoid them.弄清是什么状况或什么人让你焦虑不安,然后避开他们。Students role-play some of the situations they will meet on the job.学生们演习如何对付他们在工作中会遇上的某些处境。Do you feel awkward in social situations?在社交场合你会觉得窘迫不安吗?In some situations, a dirty joke can be considered sexual harassment.有些情况下讲下流笑话可被视为性骚扰。This task may involve him in delicate and difficult situations.这项工作可能会使他陷入如履薄冰的艰难境地。The show has likable characters in relatable situations. 演出中那些可爱的角色让人感觉似曾相识。Her novels are full of off-kilter characters in odd situations.她的小说里都是一些处境奇特、异于常人的角色。The unit is equipped to deal with a variety of situations, including undercover surveillance.安装这个设备是为了应付多种情形,其中包括秘密监控。We hope to be just in our understanding of such difficult situations.我们希望对如此困难的局面有一个公正的认识。In extreme situations, the police chief may invoke emergency powers.在极端情况下,警察局长可以行使紧急情况下的职权。There's no one I trust more to navigate these tricky political situations.没有一个能让我更信赖的人可以处理这些复杂的政治局面。Troopers are called out in emergencies or dangerous situations.在紧急或危险的情况下可出动州警察。In connective education, knowledge is integrated with learning that is relevant and connected to real-life situations.在关联教育模式中,知识和有针对性的、联系现实生活情况的学习整合在了一起。Whether such properties are a good deal will depend on individual situations.这样的地产是否可获得大笔收益还要视具体情形而定。Paradoxically, it's the parents who try to protect their children most who can make them unable to cope with risky situations on their own.十分矛盾的是,家长越是保护孩子,孩子越是不能独立处理危险的情况。The organization helped defuse potentially violent situations.该组织帮忙化解了可能出现的暴力局面。The police are expert at handling situations like this in strict confidence.警察处理这类事情很在行,可以绝对保密。I have a stock of answers with which to take the sting out of most situations.我准备了很多种回答,大多数情况下都可以缓和气氛。The new rules apply specifically to situations like this.新规则专门针对类似这样的情况。He can't cope with difficult situations on his own - he has no inner resources.他不能独力应付困难局面——他心理素质很差。He has conjured victories from worse situations than this.他曾在比这更糟的情况下出人意料地取得过胜利。Her upbringing had given her the social skills to cope with such situations.她所受的教育使她具有处理这种情况的社交能力。He remains calm and clearheaded in tense situations.在紧张的形势下,他依然能保持镇定和清醒。Waiting to become a father is one of the most nailbiting situations a man can face.等待做父亲是男人最着急的时刻。Freud explained the significance of some of the objects and situations in Anna's dream.弗洛伊德解释了安娜梦见的一些物品和情景的含义。A doctor's job involves life and death situations.医生在工作中经常面临生死关头。They looked at how children left alone reacted to everyday situations such as answering the phone.他们观察独自在家的孩子是如何应对接电话之类的日常情境。His fast-paced novels are full of bizarre situations and madcap antics.他那些快节奏的小说里充满了怪诞的场景和荒唐的行为。We envied Sharon's ease in social situations.我们曾嫉妒莎伦在社交场合的从容自得。




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