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词汇 信箱
例句 We stenciled our mailbox with our house number. = We stenciled our house number on the mailbox.我们在信箱上印上我们的门牌号。She checked her mailbox daily, hoping for a letter from her son.她每天都检查信箱,盼着有儿子的来信。An old mailbox has been padlocked shut.一个旧信箱被挂锁锁着。I peered through the letter box.我凑近信箱往里看。I finally managed to force the package through the small letterbox.我终于把包裹塞进那个小信箱The cards had been stuck through the letterbox.卡片被塞进信箱Steve looked crestfallen as he returned from the mailbox empty-handed.史蒂夫从信箱处空手而回时显得垂头丧气。The letter was addressed to a box number in Whitehorse.这封信的收信地址是怀特霍斯的一个信箱号。Doyle dropped to a crouch and peered in through the letterbox.多伊尔蹲下来,通过信箱仔细往里看。On a cold day there can be quite a draught from the letterbox.天冷的时候能明显感觉到从信箱那边吹来的过堂风。I'll post the key through your letterbox when I leave.我走的时候会把钥匙塞进你的信箱里。Letterbox-style heaters are less obtrusive and are easy to store away in the summer.信箱式加热器没有那么碍眼,夏天收起来也很方便。I object when political propaganda is pushed through my letter box at election times.选举时政治宣传品都塞到我的信箱里来了,我很不满。Everybody in the apartment building went to their mailbox each morning.每天早晨公寓里每个人都去各自的信箱取信。I dropped the letter into the mail-box.我将信投入信箱A card dropped through the letter box.一张卡片丢进了信箱The box was crammed with letters.信箱里塞满了信。Consider fitting a fireproof lidded container to your letterbox.考虑一下给你的信箱配备一个带有防火盖的箱体。So much junk mail ends up in my mailbox nowadays; I just throw it all away!如今我信箱里垃圾邮件太多了,我就统统扔掉!Other members of the family advertise themselves, usually hiding their identity under a box number.家中其他成员在报纸上登广告时,一般都用信箱号来隐去身份。Mr Kelly posted his resignation letter to Mr Jones in the internal mailbox.凯利先生将辞职信通过内部信箱寄给了琼斯先生。Just post the key through the door after you've locked it.门锁上后就把钥匙从门上的信箱里塞进去。




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