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词汇 sit through
例句 That movie is a chore to sit through.耐着性子看完那部电影可真不容易。It was sheer hell having to sit through hours of boring lectures!一连坐几个小时听无聊的讲座,简直就是人间地狱!We had to sit through a numbing lecture.我们不得不听完一个非常乏味的讲座。If I have to sit through one more boring meeting, I think I'll scream.要是再让我坐着等这么个无聊的会结束,我非得尖叫不可。My wife likes chick flicks, I don't. I can't sit through two hours of women's stuff.我老婆喜欢看轻松的爱情喜剧,我不喜欢。我可没办法坐上两个小时看这种女人的东西。It was one of the most tedious plays I've ever had to sit through.这是我不得不坐着看完的最冗长乏味的戏剧之一。Search engines rank sites through a variety of methods.搜索引擎用各种方法给网站排序。Nobody really wants to sit through four solid hours of someone else's wedding video.没有人真的想一连坐上四个小时看别人的婚礼录像。We had to sit through another boring meeting.我们不得不熬到又一个无聊的会议结束。I wasn't the least bit interested in all the speeches I had to sit through.我对这些非听完不可的一场场演讲毫无兴趣。The Anthenians would sit through three tragedies and a satyr play in one morning.雅典人常在一个上午坐着看完悲剧三部曲和一出羊人剧。We had to sit through two hours of speeches.我们不得不耐着性子听完两个小时的讲话。




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