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词汇 自助
例句 In a self-service store, the customer takes goods from the shelves for himself.自助商店里,顾客自己从货架上取下需要的商品。Isn't it a bit infra dig to go to a launderette when you can afford a washing machine of your own?你能买得起洗衣机,却去自助洗衣店洗衣,这不是有失体面吗?The gas station only has self-service.这个加油站只有自助服务。I had to go to the laundromat to do the washing.我得去自助洗衣店洗衣服。Our program emphasises self-help.我们这个计划强调的是自助A cold buffet had been laid out in the dining-room.自助冷食已在餐厅摆好。The dessert buffet tested my willpower.自助甜点考验了我的意志力。He argues that giving money to the poor infantilizes them and stops them from helping themselves.他争辩道给穷人钱是把他们当小孩来对待,这种做法让他们无法自助Self-service stores must run on the honour system.自助商店必须采用无人监督的诚信制。The bookstore has row upon row of self-help books.这家书店有很多排自助书籍。It is a group providing self-help for single parents.这是一个为单亲父母提供自助的团体。We had to go to the laundromat because the washing-machine wasn't working.洗衣机坏了,我们得去自助洗衣房。You can pick up your plane tickets at one of the airport's kiosks.你可以通过机场的自助服务机取机票。Self-checkout terminals are increasingly employed by retailers.自助结账终端为越来越多的零售商所用。Now all we have to do is help ourselves and to pray to God.我们现在所要做的就是自助并向上帝祈祷。I wish she'd do something to help herself instead of just wallowing in self-pity!我希望她能做一些自助的事,而不是沉湎于自怨自艾之中!Have you got enough change for the launderette?你有足够的硬币投入这家自助洗衣店的自动洗衣机吗?I prefer to go on self-catering holidays.我喜欢膳食自助的度假。She's a New Ager who writes spiritual self-help books.她是撰写精神自助书籍的新时代潮人。We found a photo booth on the station.我们在车站找到了一个自助快照亭。There will be a cold buffet at the party.派对上将有自助冷餐。




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