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词汇 taxed
例句 He taxed the Minister with allowing Japanese goods to flood the British market.他指责大臣放任日本商品涌入英国市场。Child care for working mothers should not be taxed.给职业母亲发放的育儿津贴不应该收税。Husband and wife are now taxed separately on their incomes.现在夫妻双方分别按各自的收入纳税。The crowds have severely taxed the security services.人群已经给保安部门造成了很大麻烦。The money is taxed as income in the ordinary way.这笔钱是按普通收入来扣税的。Many factories are taxed to capacity to supply the orders from abroad.许多工厂为供应国外订货而竭尽全力进行生产。Our patience has been taxed to the limit by his insolence.我们对他的蛮横已经忍无可忍。You are taxed according to your income.根据你的收入对你征税。You will be taxed on all your income.你的所有收入都要纳税。Couples may choose to be taxed as two single persons.夫妻可以选择以两个独立的个人身份缴纳税款。We taxed him with neglect of his duty.我们责备他玩忽职守。Overcrowding has taxed the city's ability to deal with waste.人口过多使得城市的垃圾处理能力达到了极限。Drinks would be taxed according to their alcoholic strength.饮料将按酒精度课税。The sale of wine is taxed in this state.在这个州,售酒要交税。That job really taxed our strength. 那份工作很能考验我们的体能。The boss taxed him with having neglected his work.老板指责他工作不力。Husbands and wives may be taxed jointly/separately.夫妻俩可以分别/合并纳税。The government taxed fuel highly in order to finance the national debt.政府征收高额燃料税为国债筹资。She taxed them with carelessness.她指责他们不小心。They may be taxed at a higher rate.可能会对他们征更高的税。The teacher taxed her with having told a lie.教师批评她说谎。These costs on both sides were taxed.双方当事人的诉讼费已予核定。The director taxed him for his constant lateness.经理责备他老是迟到。Many self-employed people are heavily taxed.许多个体经营者被课以重税。All income/property is taxed.所有的收入/财产都要被征税。The individual is taxed on the amount of dividend received.个人要按所得红利纳税。




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