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词汇 sit back
例句 Just sit back and enjoy the show.请就坐观看演出。All you have to do is inset the memory card and sit back.你只需插入记忆卡然后放松坐好。He never sits back and enjoys the spoils of victory.他从未袖手旁观享受胜利果实。I'm going to sit back and read the paper for a while.我要向后靠着看一会儿报纸。Get on with life and don't sit back and mope.好好生活,别闲待着闷闷不乐。Perhaps now they can sit back and rest on their oars.也许现在他们可以坐下来休息一下了。The office was full of computers, and we had to sit back to back in long rows.办公室里摆满了电脑,我们只好背靠背坐着,排成长排。I like to go off on my own - to sit back and bliss out in a darkened movie theater.我喜欢独自外出——舒服地坐在漆黑的电影院里,乐在其中。How can you just sit back and let him insult you like that?你怎么能无动于衷,由他那样羞辱你?Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the music.靠在椅子上坐好,放松下来,好好享受这音乐。He believes he has the right to sit back while others do the hard work.他认为别人在干重活时他有权利休息。How can you sit back and watch him suffer?看着他受苦,你怎么能袖手旁观?They didn't have to do anything except sit back and enjoy life.他们什么也不用做,舒舒服服地享受生活就可以了。We cannot sit back complacently until retirement, secure that there will be enough money for us in our old age.我们在退休前不能掉以轻心,要确保我们年迈时有足够的钱。I can't afford to sit back with the tournament coming up.大赛在即,我可不能坐着不动。Strap on your seat belt and sit back.系上安全带,身体靠后坐好。You can simply sit back, lulled by the rhythmic motion of the boat.你只需向后仰坐着,感受小船有节奏的摇晃所带来的平静。Pop this DVD in and sit back and relax.把这张数字影碟放进去,坐好,放松一下。Just sit back and watch.请坐下观看吧。Don't just sit back and let it happen.不要坐视不理,听之任之。




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