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词汇 singing
例句 He's getting up a small group to go carol-singing for charity.他正在组织一个小歌唱团去演唱圣诞颂歌募集善款。The choir and clergy marched into the church singing the processional.唱诗班和教士们唱着列队行进赞美诗进入教堂。Mary likes you. She's always singing your praises.玛丽喜欢你,她老是夸你。She was also interested in singing the coloratura role at Covent Garden.她也有兴趣在考文特加登剧院的演出中扮演花腔女高音角色。Have you heard the winning act in this year's singing contest?你听过今年歌曲大赛的获奖歌曲吗?Jess was singing along to the radio.杰斯在跟着收音机一起唱。She has an idiosyncratic singing voice.她的歌声很独特。She is singing in the chorus.她在合唱团唱歌。I'm not that good at singing.我唱歌不够好。Eventually she struck a bargain with him. She would get him a job if he would help her with her singing.最后他们讲好条件,他如果教她唱歌,她就为他找份工作。He was singing to himself quietly.他在轻声地哼唱。Last Friday she entranced the audience with her classical Indian singing.上周五她演唱的经典印度歌曲让听众如痴如醉。They were all roaring drunk and kept singing bawdy songs.他们都喝得大醉,不停地唱着一些粗野的歌曲。Don't butcher that song by singing off key.别唱走调而糟蹋了那首歌。She entranced the audience with classical Indian singing.她演唱的经典印度歌曲让听众如痴如醉。Sylvia's singing style has been influenced by jazz.西尔维娅的歌唱风格受到了爵士乐的影响。He transmitted his keen enjoyment of singing to the audience.他把自己对演唱的激情投入传递给了观众。Her talent for singing is a natural gift.她的歌唱才华是天生的。When you realise they are singing the same songs over again, the novelty wears off.当你意识到他们开始从头演唱同样的歌曲时,新鲜感也就没有了。The singing was sensational!唱得太棒了!She tried singing to keep her spirits up.她试图用唱歌来振作自己的精神。The actress is now focusing on her nascent singing career.这位女演员正专注于她刚起步的歌唱事业。The minister led the singing.牧师领唱。At a nearby table a man was singing in a loud voice.旁边桌子上,一个男人正在大声唱歌。Someone in the choir isn't singing in tune.合唱团里有人唱得跟大家不合调。Harry tried to relieve the boredom by singing and whistling.哈里靠唱歌和吹口哨来解闷。They were singing in harmony.他们正用和声演唱。Her singing voice is bright and flexible, with rapt pianissimos and weighty top notes.她的歌声嘹亮而悠扬,其中既有令人着迷的轻柔音符又有浑厚的高音。After dinner Lily was coaxed into singing several songs.晚饭后,莉莉被哄劝唱了几首歌。He is a singer. He loves singing.他是个歌手。他很喜欢唱歌。The newspapers were singing the president's praises.各家报纸都高度赞扬了总统。She was singing at the top of her lungs.她在放声歌唱。Then Gertie got up on the stage and delighted us all by singing a comic song.然后格蒂走上舞台,唱了一首滑稽歌曲来逗我们开心。Her singing voice is truly exquisite.她的歌声确实优美。They've revivified rhythm and blues singing by giving it dance beats.他们为节奏布鲁斯的歌曲中加入了舞曲的节奏,使之变得更加活跃。The song opens with a single voice singing a haunting melody.这首歌以一段独声开头,其旋律萦绕人心。The pianist accompanied her singing.钢琴家为她的歌唱伴奏。The dancing and singing ended at midnight.歌舞在午夜结束。Greatest Comforter, thank you for cheering me with your deep thoughts and sweet singing.最伟大的圣灵,感谢您用您的高瞻远虑和甜蜜的歌唱来使我振奋。He accompanied her singing on a lutelike instrument.他弹一件琵琶似的乐器为她伴奏。




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