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词汇 signaled
例句 The teacher signaled for quiet.教师示意大家安静。He signaled us that it was time to begin the meeting.他示意我们是时候开始会议了。Their team was ahead by two points when the buzzer signaled the end of the game.比赛终场哨吹响时,他们队领先两分。The umpire signaled a strike.裁判用手势示意这一球为好球。She signaled the car to stop by raising her hand.她举手示意车停下。He signaled his irritation by sighing and rolling his eyes dramatically.他夸张地叹息、翻白眼,以示自己非常恼怒。Both sides have signaled their willingness to start negotiations.双方都表明愿意开始谈判。The snow signaled the arrival of a front, and a high-pressure area seemed to be settling in.下雪预示着冷热空气的交锋,而一个高气压区似乎也将到来并可能持续。We signaled for help.我们发出了求救信号。The official signaled to one of the waiters, who shuffled forward.这名官员向其中一名侍者打了个手势,那个侍者拖着脚步走上前来。He sounded/signaled the retreat. 他发出了撤退信号。They signaled at me to come over to their table.他们示意我去他们那桌。The bell signaled that school was over.铃声响起,放学了。The hot-air balloon pilot signaled the ground crew to release the ropes.热气球飞行员示意地面人员松开绳索。




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