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词汇 shutters
例句 A blare of sunlight flooded the room as he opened the shutters.他打开百叶窗,满房间泻进耀眼的阳光。She was opening windows and shutters to air the empty rooms.她正把窗户和百叶窗打开,让空房间通通风。The store had put up the shutters for the night.夜幕降临,商店打烊了。The shutters went flip-flop against the window.百叶窗撞在窗户上发出啪嗒啪嗒的响声。Chris unhooked the shutters and went out on the balcony.克里斯拉开百叶窗,走到了阳台上。Despite the heat its windows remained tightly closed with wooden shutters.尽管很热,窗户上的木质百叶窗依然紧紧地关着。Daylight was filtering through the shutters when he woke up.他醒来时阳光透过百叶窗射进来。The shutters clattered in the wind.百叶窗在风中劈劈啪啪作响。The shutters were closed to keep out the daylight.百叶窗关着,遮住了阳光。She opened the shutters.她打开了护窗。In mid-afternoon, shopkeepers began to roll down their shutters.下午三时左右,店主们开始放下百叶窗。She opened the shutters and gazed out over village roofs.她打开了百叶窗,向外俯视着村里房子的屋顶。One of the shutters broke loose during the storm.暴风雨中一扇百叶窗松动了。He threw open the shutters to cool the room.他拉开百叶窗让房间进点儿凉风。I opened my shutters and saw a brilliant blue sky.我打开百叶窗,映入眼帘的是一片湛蓝的天。There were no shutters at the windows, and some of the doors hung askew.窗户上没有百叶窗,有几扇门也歪歪扭扭的。You could hear hundreds of camera shutters clicking.你能听到数百架相机快门咔嚓作响。She threw back the shutters and the sunlight streamed in.她拉开百叶窗,阳光照了进来。All the shutters in the street were down.临街的卷动门帘都放下了。Shopkeepers closed their shutters as a mark of respect.店主们暂时停业以示敬意。We live in the house with green shutters.我们住在那所带有绿色百叶窗的房子里。The shutters thumped the wall in the wind.风吹著百叶窗撞在墙上发出砰砰声响。The shutters can be electronically controlled.百叶窗是电动的。She could be seen waiting for him behind half-closed shutters.能看见她在半开的百叶窗后等着他。They put wooden shutters on all the windows.他们在所有窗户上都安装了百叶窗。Cracks of light filtered through the shutters.斑驳的光线透过百叶窗照射进来。The shutters clattered against the house.这房子的百叶窗发出噼噼啪啪的拍打声。There were huge cracks in the plaster, and the green shutters were faded.灰泥上出现多条大裂缝,绿色百叶窗也褪色了。With the shutters half-closed and the calm airy height of the room to lull me, I soon fell into a doze.半掩的百叶窗和宁静、通风的高大房间催我入睡,我很快便打起盹来。




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