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词汇 shut away
例句 The diamonds are shut away in a bank vault somewhere.钻石被藏在银行保险库的某个地方。We have a small number of rare books which are shut away.我们有少量珍藏起来的珍本书。She was shut away in prison for three years.她坐了三年牢。A lot of people are classed as mad and shut away unnecessarily.许多人被当成疯子,被不必要地关了起来。Writers keep part of themselves shut away. It's where their next book is brewing.作家往往在内心保持一个不为外人所知的隐秘角落。正是在这个角落,他们构思下一部作品。She was shut away and forbidden to read.她被关了起来,并且不允许看书。They were shut away in a little room where nobody could overhear.他们被关在一个小屋里,没人能听到他们的动静。




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