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词汇 Short
例句 Short skirts don't really suit me - I don't have the legs for them.我不太适合穿短裙——我的腿不好看。Short of tank transporters, the tanks had to travel to the front on their own treads.由于缺乏坦克运输车,坦克不得不自己开往前线。The intermediary gave Short a special code word and arranged a time for a contest.中间人告诉肖特一个特别的暗语,并安排了比赛的时间。Mr Short's behaviour is only on the cusp of acceptability.肖特先生的行为勉强能接受。Short sound waves bounce off even small objects.短声波即使遇到小物体也会产生回音。Short skirts have come back into fashion.短裙又重新开始流行起来。Short-term securities can also be held as part of an investment portfolio.投资组合里也可以包括短期有价证券。Short-term sufficiency lulled them into complacency about the long-term threat.暂时的充足使他们盲目自满,看不到远期的威胁。Short skirts were not in vogue then.当时短裙子并不流行。Short skirts are very much in vogue just now.短裙目前非常流行。Short men really turn me on.矮个子男人能让我变得兴奋。Short skirts were out of fashion for many years, but now they're coming back.短裙过时多年,但现在又再度流行起来。Short skirts have gone out of fashion.短裙已不再流行。Short of calling a meeting, they don't know how they can get their plan approved.除非召开会议,否则他们真不知道他们的计划怎么才能获准。Short skirts are the mode in her school.短裙是她学校的流行服饰。Short-range missiles in Asia do not pose a direct threat to the U.S.亚洲的短程导弹不对美国构成直接威胁。Short dresses and long boots were all the fashion last year.短裙高靴在去年风行一时。Short trousers are improper at a dance.舞会上不宜穿短裤。Simon Short, running for Scotland, is in the lead as they come round the final bend.代表苏格兰队参加赛跑的西蒙·肖特在最后一个转弯处领先。Short stories are the poor relations of literature, no longer cared for in the home.短篇小说是文学作品中品类较低的作品,不再是家庭中受欢迎的读物了。Short of locking her in her room, he couldn't really stop her from seeing Jack.他实在没有办法阻止她去见杰克,就差把她锁在房里了。Short of winning the lottery, I don't know how we'll pay for this.我不知道我们怎样才能买下这个,除非能中彩票。Short term contracts are now the norm with some big companies.签订短期合同是目前一些大公司的惯常做法。Short skirts are coming back.短裙子又开始流行了。I'll run over to Short Mountain and check on Mrs Adams.我会开车去肖特山看看亚当斯夫人。Short skirts were out of fashion for many years, but now they're making/staging a comeback.短裙过时多年,但现在又再度流行起来。Short haircuts for men went out for a time, and then they came back into fashion.男人留短发曾一度过时,后来又流行起来了。Short dresses and long boots were all the rage last year.去年短裙长靴风靡一时。Short skirts are back.短裙再度流行起来。Chess player Nigel Short faces Anatoly Karpov in the toughest test of his career so far.国际象棋选手奈杰尔·肖特遭遇到他的职业生涯里迄今为止最严峻的考验 — 和阿纳托利·卡尔波夫对弈。Short-haul flights operate from Heathrow and Gatwick.希思罗和盖特威克之间有短程航班。Short lines, ticks, oblique strokes, or crosses will not be read by the machine.短线、勾、斜线或叉不会被机器识别。Short men attract her.矮个子男人对她有吸引力。Short skirts don't flatter me at all.我穿短裙根本不好看。Short-grain rice turns into a soft, glutinous mass when cooked.短粒米一煮就会变得又软又黏。Short stories are her staple reading.短篇小说是她经常看的读物。




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