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It was our first sortie into the shopping centre.这是我们第一次去购物中心。A new shopping mall will be built on the derelict land.在这片废弃的土地上将要新建一座大型购物中心。I'm trying to be more economical when I go shopping, and only buying what I really need.我购物时尽量节约,只有真正需要时才买。She makes a point of keeping all her shopping receipts.她总是把所有的购物发票都保留下来。I try to do my shopping before the Christmas rush.我尽量在圣诞节购物潮来临之前把东西买好。I've got to do some last-minute shopping.我得赶在关门前去买点东西。A gunman opened fire in a crowded shopping centre.一名持枪歹徒在一家拥挤的购物中心里开枪射击。Yesterday was the apex of the holiday shopping season.昨天是假日购物季的最高潮。As he wasn't well, I offered to do the shopping.因为他身体不太好,我就提出由我去购物。She's out on a shopping spree.她外出疯狂购物去了。Simplify your life by shopping online.通过网上购物使你的生活更简便。I was downtown, so I decided to indulge in a little shopping.我在城里,于是决定尽情买点东西。I did all my shopping yesterday.我昨天把日常需要的物品都买齐了。The proposed shopping centre has called forth an angry response from local residents.修建购物中心的计划引起了当地居民的愤怒。Practise mental arithmetic when you go out shopping.外出购物的时候练习一下心算。We go and do the weekly shopping every Thursday morning.每周四上午,我们会去采购一周的日用品。The new shopping centre contains many highly individual gift shops.这家新的购物中心有许多颇具个性的礼品店。One bag won't hold all of the shopping - we'd better take two.买的这些东西一个袋子装不下——我们最好拿两个。They unpacked the shopping and put it away.他们取出买回的东西放好。The council has given the green light to the new shopping centre.政务委员会已经准许建设新购物中心。She is shopping around for a new car.为买新车,她货比三家。I haven't finished all my Christmas shopping yet but I've made a good start.圣诞节采购我还没有全部完成,但是开始得很顺利。You won't find any, I'm afraid I haven't been shopping yet.你找不到的,我还没去购物呢。I prefer shopping online.我更喜欢网上购物。Before leaving the city, be sure to make time for a shopping trip.离开城市之前,一定要留出时间去买些东西。They took a nice field and turned it into just another shopping mall.他们选了块好地段,把它建成了另一家购物中心。I'm not doing the shopping - that's your job.我才不去买东西呢—那是你的事。For someone who can't read, shopping is by no means a straightforward matter.对于不识字的人来说,购物决不是一件简单的事情。Would you get some coffee when you go shopping?你去买东西时买点咖啡好吗?A new car is on my shopping list.我打算买辆新车。I'll take the shopping home in the car to save you carrying it.我会把买的东西放在车里带回家,免得你用手拎着。A city council member said that the proposals for the new shopping centre were unlikely to go through.市政务委员会的一位人士说,修建新购物中心的计划不可能获得通过。They adored shopping in all the boutiques.他们非常喜欢在各种精品店购物。Most of us know we should cut down on fat. But knowing such things isn't much help when it comes to shopping and eating.我们大多数人都知道应该减少脂肪的摄入量。但是在购物和吃东西的时候,这些常识就丢到一边去了。More and more people are beginning to do their shopping on-line.越来越多的人开始网上购物。Local businesses are being hammered by the new shopping mall.当地商家正受到新的购物中心的挤压。I enjoy shopping for new clothes.我喜欢逛商店买新衣服。The shop assistant helped Mary put the fruit into a plastic shopping bag.售货员帮玛丽把水果装入一个塑胶购物袋里。The out-of-town shopping centre will kill local trade.城外的购物中心将会令本地商业难以为继。This shopping trolley has a mind of its own.这辆购物手推车自己还挺有主意的。 |