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词汇 shocking
例句 The number of young teenagers who smoke is shocking.青少年吸烟的人数真是惊人。The crime echoes last year's shocking murders.这起罪行和去年那起骇人听闻的谋杀案类似。Sarah's no prude, but she thought some of the sex scenes were quite shocking.萨拉不是那种故作正经的人,但她也觉得部分描写性的场面令人震惊。It's shocking how students can't spell these days.当今的学生们拼写上差得令人吃惊。The news came as a shocking blow.这一消息令人震惊,对人打击不小。The book contains shocking allegations about the senator's private life.书中对参议员的私生活作了耸人听闻的披露。I' m shocking at spelling.我的拼写没救了。I have some shocking news. Are you sitting down?我有惊人的消息。你们坐好了吗?His liver was in a shocking state.他的肝脏状况很糟。His shocking book about the movie industry has made him persona non grata in Hollywood.他那本关于电影业的令人震惊的著作使他成了好莱坞不受欢迎的人。His photographs, stark and sometimes shocking, are very much in vogue with young intellectuals.他拍的照片质朴无华,有时令人震惊,在青年知识分子中非常风行。The sheer perversity of her actions is shocking.她行为的极度反常令人震惊。When they opened the door they were met by/with a shocking sight. 他们打开门,看到了让人震惊的一幕。He gave a very vivid and often shocking account/description of his time in prison.他生动地讲述/描述了他的狱中生活,他说的常让人觉得很震惊。The amount of money spent on nuclear weapons is shocking.花在核武器上的金额令人感到震惊。It can be quite shocking for a child to see the changes in his or her body as puberty approaches.小孩子青春期到来时看到自己身体的变化可能会很吃惊。The report revealed some shocking new facts about the effect of drinking on health.这篇报告就饮酒对健康的影响这一问题揭露了一些新的惊人事实。What a shocking waste of time!这样浪费时间,真不像话! The motive for this shocking attack seems to be racial hatred.看起来这起令人震惊的攻击事件的动机像是种族仇恨。What follows is John's story. Parts of it may seem distasteful, even shocking.下面是约翰的故事,其中有些部分也许令人不快,甚至令人震惊。It is shocking that humans can behave with such bestiality towards others.人竟会以如此残忍的方式对待彼此,这真是令人震惊。He recently did something that was just shocking.他最近做了一些实在令人震惊的事。My most shocking moment as an interviewer was when a movie star came on drunk and threatened to hit my other guests.我的访问经历中最令人震惊的一刻,是一位电影明星喝醉了酒上来并且威胁要殴打其他嘉宾。The book includes many shocking/startling revelations about the mayor's personal life.这本书有许多涉及市长私生活的惊人秘闻。This was a shocking demonstration of racial insensitivity.这是种族冷漠令人震惊的表现。I must have been in a shocking state last night.昨晚我的情况一定很糟糕。There are few crimes more truly shocking than the murder or abuse of children.没有什么犯罪比谋杀或虐待儿童更骇人听闻了。I was greeted by a shocking sight.一幅令人震惊的画面映入我的眼帘。A shocking flash came over the radio.无线电广播中传来了一条惊人的消息。The sex scenes in the book were considered very shocking at the time when it was published.这本书里面的性爱场面描写在当初出版时被认为是不堪入目的。He showed a shocking disrespect for authority.他表现出对权威令人震惊的藐视。These shocking events horrified the entire world.这些骇人听闻的事件震惊了全球。The city's most shocking statistic is its high infant mortality rate.这座城市最令人震惊的统计数字是其高婴儿死亡率。The anger in his face was shocking.他脸上的怒色让人吃惊。She was well known for her unorthodox, sometimes shocking, opinions.她以非传统的、有时令人震惊的见解而闻名。The fact that he was married to another woman was a shocking discovery. = It was shocking to discover that he was married to another woman.他跟另一个女人结婚了,这可是个令人震惊的发现。This was a shocking invasion of privacy.这是对隐私的公然侵犯。It was an act of violence that she found alien and shocking.这是一起让她感到陌生和震惊的暴力行为。He enjoys shocking his readers.他很喜欢吓唬读者。To hear her talking this way was somehow shocking.听她这样说话有点令人震惊。




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