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例句 He's very proud that his work has finally been published.自己的作品终于出版,他很自豪。Podulski had been assiduous in learning his adopted language.波多斯基一直很努力地学习外语。She's been wearing a neck brace since her car crash.车祸后她一直戴着颈托。There have been conflicts such as this throughout history.像这样的冲突事件贯穿了整个历史。The judges decided to exclude evidence which had been unfairly attained.法官决定把用不正当手段获取的证据排除在外。I've been fighting a cold all week.整个星期我一直在治感冒。The ropes had been cut randomly to different lengths.这些绳索被任意截成不同长度的几段。How much new machinery has been installed?已经安装了多少新机器? The company has been successful in cultivating a very professional image.公司成功地树立了一个非常专业的形象。Her talent has always been underestimated.她的才能一直被轻视。The project has been shrouded in controversy from/since its inception.这个计划从一开始就存在争议。I've been having shooting pains in my leg.我的一条腿一直在抽痛。The quality of her work has been pretty ordinary. 她的工作质量一直很一般。It has long been known that regular exercise promotes all-round good health.经常锻炼能促进全面健康,这一点已久为人知。The old wreck had been smashed to pieces on the island's rocks.那艘失事的旧船在该岛的岩石上撞成了碎片。He was convinced that his arrest had been a planned setup.他确信他的被捕是蓄意陷害。The wooden tables had been polished until they shone.木桌子被打磨到发亮为止。I've been wondering if you yourselves have any idea why she came.我一直在想,你们自己是否知道她为什么来。She has been big game fishing off the coast of Kenya.她曾在肯尼亚沿岸钓过大鱼。I was hoping that your research would clear up a question that has been bothering me.我希望你的研究能解答一直困扰我的一个问题。The health service has been criticized for being too impersonal.人们批评公共医疗服务机构太没有人情味。The islands have been devastated by cyclones in recent months.近几个月的旋风摧毁了这些岛屿。He mused on how different his life would have been, had he not met Louisa.他默默地想,如果没有遇到路易莎他的人生会多么不同。Their new album has been getting good reviews.他们的新唱片一直好评不断。I've been trying to lose weight for over a year now.我减肥已经有一年多了。I've never been to a circus, not recently anyhow.我从没看过马戏,至少最近没看过。Eleanor was now less anxious about her offspring than she had once been.埃莉诺现在不像以往那样为子女忧心了。Africa has long been cursed with famine and drought.非洲长期遭受饥荒和干旱的困扰。Her progression through the ranks of the company had been rapid.她在公司的晋升一直很快。Timmy Connell has been a problem in class right from the beginning of term.学期一开始,蒂米·康奈尔就成了班上的一个问题。Entire villages have been washed away. Roads and bridges have been destroyed and crops ruined.这些村庄全部都被冲走了。道路和桥梁都被破坏了,农作物也全毁了。Alan had had a very chequered past and had been to prison lots of times.艾伦的过去十分波折,蹲过多次监狱。She had not yet been able to piece together exactly what had happened.她还未能把发生的事情完全拼凑起来。The investigation has been going on for months, and we're still none the wiser about the true cause of the accident. 调查持续了数月,但我们现在仍不清楚事故发生的真正原因。The undelivered letter has been returned to the sender.那封无法投递的信已退回给发信人了。Do you think he's been cheating us all along?你认为他自始至终都在欺骗我们吗?They claimed that they weren't selling drugs, but that they'd been set up by the police.他们声称自己没有贩卖毒品,是被警方栽赃陷害的。The tribunal had been set up to arbitrate in the dispute.已成立特别法庭仲裁争端。It would have been more sensible to save the money than to spend it all on clothes.把钱存起来总要比全部花在衣服上明智。Alternative therapies have been successful with a whole gamut of health problems.替代疗法对各种健康问题都有疗效。




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