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词汇 shareholders
例句 The shareholders demanded a change in management.股东要求更换管理层。The law invests the shareholders with legal rights.法律授予股东们以合法权益。He has promised to send out a formal offer document to shareholders by Monday.他答应周一之前给股东寄发正式的要约文件。Dividends will be sent to shareholders.红利将被派发给股东。Power within the company is divided between the directors and the shareholders.公司内部的权力由董事和股东们分摊。Company shareholders approved the merger.公司股东批准了这个并购计划。Company reports are published regularly and sent out to all shareholders.公司的报告定期发表,并分发给所有股东。The directors are held accountable by the shareholders.股东认为董事应负责任。The chairman will face a rough ride from shareholders.股东不会让董事长好过的。They face a backlash from shareholders.他们面临来自股东的强烈反对。The company tried to reassure shareholders about the safety of their stocks.该公司试图让股东放心,相信他们的股票是安全的。The directors are recommending that shareholders accept Baldwin's offer.董事建议股东接受鲍德温的提议。Some irate shareholders suggested looking for a hitman to polish him off.一些怒气冲冲的股东提议找个杀手把他给灭了。Chairman Robert Eaton said he has the backing of the vast majority of the company's major shareholders.董事会主席罗伯特·伊顿说,他得到了公司绝大多数大股东的支持。Profits are distributed to shareholders/stockholders as dividends.利润作为红利分给了股东。They were the principal shareholders in a bank riddled with corruption.他们是一家腐败成风的银行的主要股东。The company hopes to entice shareholders into agreeing to a merger.这家公司希望能怂恿股东同意合并。The cash or scrip would be offered as part of a pro rata return of capital to shareholders.作为按比例资本收益的一部分,股票持有者将获得现金或股息凭证。He was voicing the concerns of ordinary shareholders.他表达了普通股东的心声。Several shareholders have withdrawn earlier acceptances of the offer.几个股东对于先前同意的报价又反悔了。Executives should be more accountable to shareholders for their decisions.经理应该为其所作的决定向股东负更多的责任。Angry shareholders called for the resignation of the company president.愤怒的股东们要求公司董事长辞职。The shareholders have manifested their intention to sell the shares.股东们表明了要出售股票的意图。The fluky stock market makes shareholders nervous.易变的股票市场使持股票者紧张不安。The company is accused of misinforming its shareholders about last year's profits.公司被指控向股东虚报上一年度的利润。He made a few concessions to keep the shareholders sweet.他作了一些让步,以此取悦股东。He has attracted new and existing shareholders to invest in his company.他说服了新的和现有的投资人为他的公司投资。Companies report to their shareholders annually.公司每年向股东通报一次营业状况。Small shareholders should think carefully before selling any holding.小股东卖出股份前要三思。Legally, the shareholders are the owners of the company.依照法律,股东是公司的拥有者。The announcement has left shareholders nursing huge losses.这则公告让股民蒙受了巨大的损失。It's a meeting for shareholders only, and the press are excluded.这是个仅有股东们参加的会议,不接受新闻界的采访报道。The railway had many thousands of shareholders.该铁路有成千上万的股东。The fund was increased by the accretion of new shareholders.由于新股东的逐渐加入,资金增加了。The company's shareholders have voted to remove the executive board.公司股东已经投票决定罢免执行董事会。We are very encouraged by the feedback we've had from our shareholders.我们收到来自股东的反馈意见,感到十分鼓舞。Donald was determined to be in at the death and duly attended the shareholders' meeting at which the entire board was dismissed.唐纳德下定决心要在适当的时候参加股东大会,亲眼见证整个董事会的解散。The shareholders have the right to first refusal on the new shares.股东对新股享有第一优先购买权。The company says it cannot cut its prices any more because it has a responsibility to its shareholders.公司方面称不能再降价了,因为它要对股东们负责。The chairman is expected to cave in to pressure from shareholders.董事长估计会在股东的压力下作出让步。




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