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词汇 shake down
例句 He's new in the office but he'll soon shake down.他刚来办公室工作,但他很快会适应的。The contents of the packet may shake down in travelling.旅途中包裹里的东西可能震落。Next week we should be able to shake down the new ship.下星期我们应该可以试航新船了。You'll soon shake down here.你在这儿很快就会适应下来。Give the new arrangements time to shake down - I'm sure they'll be OK.新的安排要经过一段时间才能调整过来——我相信会令人满意的。The police had to shake down every building in the street before they found the gunman.在找到持枪歹徒之前,警察得彻底搜查街上的每幢房子。We can't shake down the whole building - only the suspect's apartment.我们不可能把整栋楼都搜个遍——只能搜查嫌疑犯的公寓。He ordered the dismantling of police checkpoints on highways, which were being used to shake down motorists for bribes.他下令取消公路上的警方检查站,因为警察们在这些地方向司机强行索要贿赂。




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